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Jinger and Adde were in trouble...

"Eve, are you okay?" Emily asked me.

I ignored her, running out the door through the practice field, the gardens. I stopped near the creek everything was quiet... too quiet...

I heard Daniel and Eric come up behind me. I grabbed my bow out and readied it. I closed my eyes and tried to sense them. That's when I felt them under the water, a black figure, a panther was dragging them down.

I stripped off my quiver and jumped into the water. I saw the girls in his jaw, their little tiger bodies trying to fight the bigger panther. I swam up close and stabbed the panther, he dropped the girls. I grabbed them, swimming back up.

Eric was swimming next to me. I gave him Jinger and Adde. I looked back and saw Daniel fighting the panther. I fought next to him, and finally the panther disappeared out of then air. Daniel swam back to Eric.

I knew black magic or some type of magic was involved in this. I swam back up, I felt someone grab my arm and help me to the surface. I gasped for air, crawling on the ground and laying there. I looked around, Eric was trying to lick the girl's fur to keep them warm.

I didn't see Daniel, I closed my eyes. I then felt something else with us, calling to me. I stood up, and looked around. Eric didn't notice me.

Suddenly, I was forced to walk into the woods, I heard voices whispering to me. I followed the voices deeper into the woods, everything was quiet again. But then I heard the running of creatures. I looked from side to side, black sleek cats.

I then was standing in a meadow, in the center stood a gazebo. I walked slowly up to it. I ran my hand against the white painted wood. When I heard the pounding again, I then finally saw three black panthers walk up to me.

Two of them sat down at the entrance of the gazebo, the other shifted into a man. Tall, black hair with bright grey eyes. He looked familiar to me, but I couldn't figure out how.

"You don't remember me, do you?" He asked me, in a quiet whisper.

Looking at me with hope, and love. I stepped a little closer and looked him in the eyes. That's when I saw everything slowly come back, my memories from childhood come crawling out of the fog. Me, playing as a kid with this man, my brother.

My parents watching us, with smiles on their faces. Eating together, my parents and my brothers. That's when I suddenly remembered what had really happened to my parents. They had tried to hide the secret that my brother was a shifter, and I was a powerful shifter too.

One day an angry crowd broke into the castle, killing my parents. My brothers and I escaping. Amber helped us hide, my brother then took be to someone to erase my memories to make me forget him and how my parents really died. To hide who I truly was on the inside...

"Aaron... is that you?" I asked.

I lightly pressed a hand onto his cheek.

"Yes, it is me. Evangeline, I can't believe you remember me..." I smiled at him.

"How could I forget my older brother, who had saved my life." That's when he scooped me into a big hug.

"I'm so sorry... I had to leave you. I didn't want too, but I had too at the same time. I hope you can forgive me..." I hugged him back.

"I could never be mad at you, but why come back now? I am being protected by tigers..." That's when I remembered they had just tried to kill Jinger and Adde a couple of minutes ago.

I tensed up, backing away. "I know your my brother and all. But you just tried to kill two innocent young girls back there." I shoved his chest.

"Eve, that wasn't us. That's why I have came now to tell you. I promise that I'm doing nothing to your tiger friends. I came to warn you. My pack would actually like to join with the tigers. We are not evil people, the others of our kind are like you saw today. I wanted to talk to you, because I know you are close with them. Please... can you help us?" I looked at him, honesty ran through his eyes.

I sighed, "I can try, I believe you, Aaron. But I don't know about the others. They are the ones you will have to prove too. Who else did you bring with you?" He looked back, behind him.

The other two panthers shifted into young girls. "This is my mate, Tessa and her friend Kelsey."

That's when I realized Tessa was pregnant. I smiled at both of them.

"Thank you for helping us. You are our last hope..." Tessa said with a tired smile.

Aaron lead her to one of the benches to rest on for the moment.

"Do you have somewhere, we can stay?" Kelsey asked.

"Actually, I think I do." I said with a grin. I lead back to the waterfall which was on the edge of the tiger territory. I made sure Eric was gone. Aaron was carrying Tessa in his arms. Kelsey followed them, and I walked to the waterfall.

I placed my hand on the rock wall. The wall rippled when I laid my hand on the wall. "Follow me." I then walked straight into the wall.

On the other side was a four roomed, each with a bathroom, kitchen, living room, and a library room. I turned around and I saw that they had followed me.

"You should all be safe here. You all and I are the only ones allowed in here. I have put protection spells all around here. No one will find you, I promise. Everything you need is here, if you need to get to me in case of emergency. Press the button and just start talking. I better get going because they will get worried about me." I said.

I was about to leave when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you so much. For what you are doing." Kelsey said.

I smiled at her and left. I made my way back to the castle...

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