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The sun was shining through the curtain-window. I felt Daniel's lips kiss my eye lids, then my lips. I smiled and let myself enjoy him. I

opened my eyes, and let myself enjoy his warmth. I opening my eyes, and looked at him. "Good morning, how are you?" I asked.

"Great! Being with you is all I need to keep me going." I kissed him on the lips.

I then stood up, realizing I was in my pajama shorts and a black bra. I looked for my clothes. I started to feel my cheeks start to blush. I then saw my clothes and they were right behind Daniel. I tried not to make eye contact with him.

"What's wrong?" He tried to grab me but I moved away. I didn't look up at him. "I'm embarrassed. Do you see me? What I'm wearing?"

I could feel his eyes look me over. Daniel then grabbed me around the waist and hugged me from behind.

"Don't be embarrassed. You are beautiful, and it's only me here I think you look hot." He whispered in my ear. His voice made goosebumps on my arms.

"Then maybe I should walk around looking like this down at the training yard. Soo, all those men can see me like this." I teased.

Daniel growled and picked me up in his arms. "You wouldn't dare! Even if you did. I would have to kill everyone down there. Because I am the only one that can see you like this." I smiled up at him.

He stood me back up, to go get dressed.

I threw on my dress, and slipped on my shoes. I turned around and Daniel was already dressed too. I reach out for his hand and he let me take it. We held hands as we walked to go get breakfast. A couple of people were still eating when we walked in. Grabbing our food, we walked over to a table and ate our breakfast. I couldn't finish my meal, so Daniel ate the rest of mine.

I laughed at him, "What?" He asked.

"You just have a big appetite, that's all." I told him.

"I am a tiger too, so I have to eat for both of us, Eve!" Suddenly, I heard two high pitched squeals come from behind me, I looked and saw Jinger and Adde.

I stood up, with a smile. Kneeling down, giving them both a big hug. "I'm so glad you both are okay..." I whispered to them.

They joined us at the table. "So what are you doing today?" I asked them.

"Mommy is taking us to the tailor to get our gowns for the ball that is coming up." I looked at Daniel with a confused look.

"The ball is in four days. You go in pairs, this ball is where you match clothing with the other pair. So I was hoping you would go with me."

He blushed a little. "Have fun picking out your dress. I have to do some things." I stood up, and so did Daniel.

"Daniel, I'm doing this alone. But I will go with you to the ball." I said with a smile.

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