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I went to the wing where Aaron was staying in. I knock on the door, and Tessa answers the door. "Hello..." She says with a smile. Her hair was thrown up, and I could tell she was tired.

"Hello, I am her to see Aaron. James and Eric should be with him." She nodded her head. "Yes, they are in his office. Follow me."

She shut the door behind me as I entered the room. Following her down the hallway and opened a door to a huge library/office. I saw James laying on top of a bookshelf looking at a book.

Suddenly, I saw Tessa being picked up by Aaron.

She laughed, "Put me down!" I saw James jump down and walk toward me.

"Have you found anything?" I asked.

"No, but I think we have an idea." I interrupt what he was about to say. "My father and I already came up with a plan to help Eve. If she knows what happened then and can't tell us. So what, so we are going to have do something for her."

Eric and Aaron came up to us, "What? She knew how this happened to her and she won't tell us." Aaron asked.

All of them stared at me for answers. "I don't know, but I know help Eve it's going to be a long journey. We are going to take Eve, to someone that can help her. I don't yet know who we are gong to go see. That's why I need to go see my mother. She will explain the rest to us, I hope." I said, as we left the room. But I then almost forgot.

"Aaron..." He stopped in front of me, "You will need to stay here, for Tessa. I know that Evangeline is your sister, but..." Aaron interrupted me.

"I get what you are saying. I will stay here, for my mate." I shook his hand, and left Aaron standing there beside Tessa in the hallway. I found the way to the door, where Eric and James were waiting for me.

James looked behind me, "Where is Aaron?"

I looked at him, "He isn't coming with us. I want him to stay here with Tessa." I explained to them.

We then left their home and made our way to my mother...

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