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(Daniel's POV)

I awoke to people whispering around me. "Daniel, are you awake?"

I heard my mother's soft voice. I licked my lips and opened my eyes all the way. I was laying in my room, bandages were wrapped around my side and stomach. "Is father okay?" She nodded her head, "Daniel... th-there is something I have to tell you. But... you were out for a week." I sat up.

"Mother, did they continue the rescue plan?" I asked, watching as tears started to form in her blue eyes.

"That's the problem, we have her back..." 

I jumped up, "What! Can I go see her."

My mother sighed, "Daniel... she isn't doing well. Evangeline was in a really bad condition, the healers are doing their best with her. She has only woken up a couple of times, but then she goes back into a coma-like state." She said, with brushing off a tear running down her face.

I groaned in pain as I stood up, I gave her a hug.

"Can I please go see her?" I asked, "Yes, come... I will show you to her."

I put a shirt on but didn't bother with shoes. I followed her down the hallways to the private wing of the medic hall. My bother was there, he was laying down next to the door.

His tiger head looking up at us. "Good afternoon, Eric. How is she today?" Mother asked him.

"I don't know, they wouldn't let me in. Also, I was wondering what are we going to do about James?" I looked at both of them confused.

"Who is this James?" Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. "I'm James, and who are you?"

That's when I smelt his scent, I growled at him. I saw him tense up. "Daniel, calm down. This is James, he is... well Evangeline's brother." She explained, and I looked at James and then Eric with shock.

"I thought Eve only has one brother and that was Aaron." James chuckled a little.

"Sorry, man your wrong. Evangeline has two older brothers, and that's Aaron and I. I'm surprised she didn't tell you about her family."

I just looked at them, I pushed my way to the door. I opened the door and quickly shut it behind me, locking it. I heard them start pounding on the door.

I closed my eyes and opened them. The room was dark, a fire was going in the fireplace. I could see Eve laying on the bed. She was pale against her black hair. I pulled a chair up next to the bed. As I sat down I saw bandages on her ankle and stomach.

I looked at them, realizing she had to have been tortured by the look of it. I growled at the thought of another man, touching her, hurting her. I clawed at the chair and the arms of the chair breaking under my strength.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down when I heard tiny, soft voice.

"I've never seen you get this mad before." I looked up at her beautiful eyes.

Tears ran down my face, tears of joy and happiness. Her hand came up to my cheek and I covered it with mine. So many emotions were running through me, I didn't know what to do with them.

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