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I awoke to Eve screaming. I jumped up quickly, and I saw the blonde hair man carrying Evangeline. I roared and jumping toward him. But instead another panther jumped in front of me. I then put my strength in front of me, I heard someone slab open the door.

Someone then grabbed me and pulling me away. The panther was laying on the ground, bleeding. "Daniel, change now!"

I shifted and turning to face my father.

"They took her, he took her!" I said with fury.

"I know, Daniel. You need to calm down... We will get her back with your sisters." I almost blew up when he said Jinger and Adde were gone too.

Guards then took away the panther to one of the cells in the dungeon. I started to pace when Aaron, Tessa, and Kelsey walked in.

Tessa waddled in first, "What the hell is going on here? People, what are we doing? Kidnapping of children, literally what the h... e... double hockey sticks.... Even though I'm pregnant, I'm ready for fighting some panthers!" I just stared at her as she sat down in a chair near the fireplace.

Aaron just stared at her, while Kelsey sat down next to her.

"We are here to help you, Daniel." I nodded my head at him.

"Daddy, daddy!" We heard little voices come from down the hall. Jinger and Adde ran into the room, giving my father a big hug. Tears ran down their faces both of them were filthy.

"Oh, my girls! Are you okay?" He sat them down on the couch.

"Were fine, daddy. Eve saved us, they put us in a tent. But then out of no where came Eve. We ran into the woods, she teleported us back here. Eve wanted us to tell you that she will be okay." Adde said.

Both of them then ran over giving me a hug. I held onto them with all of my strength. I heard the sound of heels coming closer, in through the door, my mother looked around. She finally spotted them. She ran over to Jinger and Adde, I let her take them.

"Father, what are we going to do now?" I asked him.

He didn't look at me instead looked at the ground.

"Daniel, I don't know... we have Jinger and Adde back. We are just going to wait and see if Evangeline comes back on her own. I can't make my men do a search party... I'm sorry Daniel." I took a step toward him.

"Wait... but you just said you would do anything to get them back..." I stopped them because I realized he just meant Jinger and Adde not Eve.

"You never were going to save, Eve. Were you?" Everyone now looked at him.

"Daniel, I was but now we have your sisters back. She is only one person and an adult at that." I shoved my father up against the wall. "

She is simply not one person to me.... Evangeline is my mate!" I yelled in his face.

Aaron and Eric pulled me off of him. I shrugged them off, "Dear, I think you may need to rethink about going to save her. She did save our daughters a couple of times." My mother said calmly.

"Fine! I will only give you a small troop of tigers to assist you because I know the panthers are declaring war with us soon...very soon." He answered, I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you, father." I whispered to him.

"I'm sorry, son..." That's when I felt a pain shoot up my side. I

jumped back, a dagger was stuck in my side. "What?!?" He then changed into a gray haired man with black eyes.

"You are never going to get her back, ever. She is mine, now!" He chuckled, that's when Eric and Aaron tackled him but he was already gone, disappeared.

I fell to my knees, pulling the dagger out. "Daniel!" I heard my mother scream. I then was out cold...

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