New Look

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The next day I awoke to Daniel gone and the Queen in his place.

"Good morning, my dear. I heard you had awoken. Are you up for a walk in the gardens for some breakfast?" She asked.

Surprisingly, I felt like I had all my strength back. I slowly sat up and stood. The Queen had a given me a hand to make sure I wouldn't fall over in the process of standing. We walked down the hallway and into a private area of the garden that I didn't know about, everything was already set up.

I sat down, and that's when everything about being a princess came back to me. The Queen sat down across from me. A servant poured us our drinks and brought the food.

"I heard that you saved that young boys life. I am very grateful that you did." She told me.

"It was nothing, but it scared me. I wasn't actually me, at one point that night my power took over. I finally controlled, but I acted, I didn't think about my life." I told her and took a sip of my drink.

The Queen then lightly placed her hand on mine. "All the things you have told me has lead you to another gift. Evangeline, you are a healer and a protector. You are very special, you can heal and protect others. Your healing power will be fine to control, but I think you have already controlled that. I think the thing that has been risking your life is the protector inside you. I hope you can learn how to control your power." She explained.

I looked at her surprised. "My Queen, your going to teach me? What about Jean?" I asked.

"Please call me by my first name, Emily. And Jean is actually not here, she has some business to take care of." We ate breakfast and when we finished.

Emily lead me to the battle practice field. I heard metal clashing against metal, and the yelling of men. "Eve, we are first going to get you training gear to wear so it can go with everyday clothing."

We walked into a building, all over the walls had different pieces of clothing and weapons. A young man came out, and he looked familiar to me. I couldn't see his face and when he turned around it was Eric.

"Hello, ladies! What can I do for you this fine day?" He said with a smile.

"Eric... Evangeline needs some clothes to wear and some weapons. Also, want you to bring out my old gear, please." She said and handed him a key.

Emily lead me to a private are, it had a huge mirror and a pedestal to stand on. Eric came back with two clothing carts. One for me and then other for Emily.

" Here you are ladies, if you need anything just yell." Eric said and walked back to the front of the building. I tried on lots of outfits, but I only found one I loved. It was a leather dress, but it had cuts at the bottom of the dress.

So it would make it easier to run and ride. "Eric!" Emily yelled.

He popped his head in and saw me. His mouth dropped open, "Wow, you look great!" He walked over and stood next to Emily.

"Son, we need some riding boots and please bring some small throwing knives, with a quiver and a bow." He quickly went back the way he came.

Emily had changed and was wearing something like what I was wearing. But her dress had sleeves and leggings. Emily walked over and handed me a leather arm pads. She helped me strap them on. Eric walked in with another cart.

"Here are you boots and weapons." I slipped on the boots, they had a heel on them. Emily then helped me with the knives, two on each thigh, and one on my left arm. The quiver at my hip and the bow on my back.

"You are done. This is going to be what you have to wear everyday for your own protection. Eric, please send all types of this style to her room." I stepped off the pedestal, everything fit nicely on me. I heard a door opened from the front of the building.

"Eric, you in here!" It was Daniel.

"Yeah, were back here." Emily said.

Daniel walked into the room and he stopped in his tracks when he saw me. "Daniel, what a nice surprise. Where are the girls?" Emily asked.

"There with the healers by the creek. Eve, you look different." I smiled.

"Thank you." Emily took my arm.

"Well, we better get going." She gave her sons a hug, and looked back at me. That's when I felt my power start to grow. I saw an image in my head. Jinger and Adde were in trouble...

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