Chapter 3

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It was Sunday, March 14th. Tomrrow was the deadline. I wasn't thinking about it too much, because about a week ago, I accepted the offer. I was going to be joining the PBR Entertainment Tour. I had no idea what to expect, but I was super excited. I leanred that the other trick rider that I would be with for probably 90% of the time was girl named Rozlyn White. She was from Tennessee and performed at the Dixie Stampede. I didn't know anyone else that would be there, but I was excited to meet new people.

The first show of the tour was March 19th. Everyone had to be in Texas, at the arena on March 17th. Not much time, but we were going to be rehearsing non stop once we arrived there.

My flight left out of Montana on the 16th, and I would arrive the same day. Like I've been saying, I was so excited, but the one thing that made me sad was leaving my family. Especially Ellie.

Currently, she and I were both lying under our favorite tree that overlooked the Montana valleys.

"I know I pushed you to go, but now I don't know what I'll do without you" She says.

"Oh, please. You'll do what you always do. Ride, Compete, Teach. Nothing will change, except for the fact that I'll be traveling the country" I say.

"Are there any stops in Montana?" She asks.

"Yeah, one. May 21st. Then the 22nd, we're in Oregon for two shows" I say.

"How long are you gone?" She asks.

"March to December. Ten months on the road" I say.

"God, you could be a different person by then. You couldn't forget about everything here in Montana. You could fall in love!" She exclaims sitting up fron the blanket we laid out the ground. I sat up with her.

"Ell, no matter what happens in either of our lives, you will always be my sister, and bestfriend, and this will always be my home. I'm not changing, and I'm not falling in love. I've got more important things to do" I say. She shakes her head.

"What will I do without my big sister?" She asks.

"Your big sister isn't going anywhere. I'll be here. Especially for you. Always" I say. She smiled and leaned into my shoulder. I was just as sad about leaving her as she was. I just couldn't show it to her. Ten months was a long time, but everything would be okay.

Today was the day. March 16th. 11AM. My flight left at 12PM. Someone from the event company came and picked up Buck in a trailer this morning and was driving him down. I got the plane ride paid for and a hotel room up until Friday. Today was the day I got to meet Rozlyn White, which I was excited for. I hoped she and I could be friends.

At 11:45, I hugged Mom and Dad goodbye.

"You be the best you can. You do that and you'll always be amazing" Dad says.

"I know, Daddy. You've been saying that since I was a little girl" I say. He nods and pulls me into a hug.

"Look at my baby girl going out on her own. Mama couldn't be more proud" Mom says and kisses my cheek before hugging me.

"I'll always be tour baby" I say and squeeze her tightly. When I stood infont of Ellie, she wiped away tears.

"Wipe them away" I say running the pad of my thumb across her rosy cheeks. I always felt like I was looking at myself when I looked at her because we looked so similar. "You are the best sister I could've asked for, you know that? And I know it's always been you and I. We might be apart for a while, but it won't matter, because I'll always be your big sister, okay?" I ask her. She nods and pulls me into her. Feeling the way she squeezed me so tightly brought tears to my eyes.

"I love you" She says.

"I love you too, Ell" I say. I squeeze her one last time before letting go and walking to board the plane. I turned back and waved to them one last time before taking my seat. The rest of my life was about to begin, and yes, I was scared, but I looked at this the way I did trick riding. This opportunity coukd be the one that puts me even higher on the map than being a champion, this coukd be what sets me apart from everyone else. This could be my perfect ride.

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