Chapter 19

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I woke up in Jess's arms on the tour bus. His heartbeat was like music to my ears. I loved him so much, and being able to say it was so amazing. Although, I didn't want to wake him, so I crawled out of the bunk and went to the lounge lounge Roz. She was usually up early because of morning sickness. It was now May 20th, and we were almost to our Montana venue.

"Morning. How ya feeling?" I ask sitting down next to her. She was laying down. She scooted towards me to put her head on my lap.

"Don't get pregnant. It's only 7AM, and I've been puking for three hours" She replies.

"9 weeks. Three more until-".

"Don't even say it. I don't wanna deal with that yet" She says. "I just wanna ride Mingo and do what I love". .

"I'll have mama make you some of her homemade chicken soup. It always soothes a stomach" I say. She nods.

"You're the best" She says. "How long til we're there?".

"About twenty minutes, and it's a thirty minute drive to my house" I say. "Dad left my car at the venue for me to drive there".

"And were staying there tonight?" She asks.

"Yeah. Jess and I have my room and you can bunk with Ellie. She's always had two beds in her room from when friends stay" I explain. She nods then sits up.

"Twenty minutes out, you should get him up" She says. "Plus, I think I'm gonna puke again". I walk to the bunk and see Jess sleeping peacefully. I burned his hair from his face and leaned down to kiss him.

"Good morning, gorgeous" He says.

"Not quite. Maybe you could make it better?" I ask. He chuckles and leans up to kiss me once more. "So much better".

"I love you".

"I love you too" I say. "And were almost to the venue if you wanna get dressed". He nods and gets up. Roz had just come out of the bathroom when he went in.

"Rozlyn White, what did you eat?" He yells from the bathroom. He was joking, but he really couldn't handle vomit. When he came back out, he shook his head to her. "Man, I'm not looking forward to that when my wife gets pregnant".

"Hey, I'm not either" I add. He smiled and winked at me. We had only been dating for two months, but it was pretty serious.

"Hey, check it" He says sliding his boots on. We were pulling into the venue. I let out a deep breath. "Ready, babe?".

"Yes" I say. We park and take our things to our dressing rooms. Our show was tomrrow, so I was happy to spend my day with my family, and so ready to perform for them.

After we settled, I went a found my car. I drove a black Jeep Wrangler, and I loved it. The ride home was something I loved. The view, the breeze, the smell. This was home. This would always be home.

Turning into our long driveway and my heart was racing. When we parked and the car doors slammed shut, my dad came running out of the house.

"You're home!" He shrieks, lifting me in his arms. He whispered. "My baby girl is finally home". I pulled away.

"I missed you" I say going to hug mama. She kissed my cheek. "Where's Ellie?".

"Uh, she's at the grounds. She'll be home for lunch" Mama says. I nod.

"Sadie, don't be shy. Who'd you bring home?" He asks. Roz, being the person she was, pushed past me to greet my parents.

"Rozlyn White. Pleasure to meet you" She says shaking both their hands.

"You too, Miss Roz" Mama says.

"Uh, Mama, Daddy. This is Jess Lockwood" I say. Mama shakes his hand. Daddy steps forward.

"I always told her never to date a bull rider" He says. Jess turned red. "But, you're a damn good one, son". We were all relevied. "Ya'll come on in. Grab some breakfast. Rest. Anything".

"Oh, I can't even think about food" Roz says. We all laughed.

"Honey, this is just the beginning" Mama says. She'd know. She did it twice.

A few hours had passed, and we had eaten, and were now resting. It was almost 12:30 when the door opened up. Ellie walked in the living room. I shot up.

"Ell!" I say.

"Yeah, hey" She says. She turned to Daddy. "Can I go out with Scotty for dinner?".

"Uh, well. Honey-".

"Ell. Hello. I'm back" I say. I was so confused as to why she was being like this. "And since when are you and Scotty hanging out?".

"Yeah, you're back. And, since when are you and Jess Lockwood a couple?" She asks. I give her a confused look.

"Honey, Sadie is only here for one day" Mama says.

"I know" She says. Everyone was quiet. Jess looked at me. "Okay, whatever. I have to go untack Romeo". She walks out the front door. Everyone looks around at one another. Finally, I stand up and follow her outside.

"Hey!" I shout from the porch. She didn't stop. I ran after her and pulled her to a stop by her arm. She yanked away.


"What the hell is wrong with you? Did you forget I'm your sister?" I ask her. She was acting like a stranger. 

"Did you forget that I'm yours!?" She shouts. "Did you forget to call me all those times? Did you forget to respond to all those texts? Oh, did you forget to tell me you had a boyfriend? Because, my sister isn't like that. My sister was my bestfriend! Now, I don't recognize her. Because my sister would never mess around with a boy she just met, she would always call me back, she would never make me feel like I lost her. But, you did. And, I don't wanna see you anymore". She turns to walk away. I felt tears fill my eyes as she climbed onto Romeo and rode off on a trail. I don't know where any of that came from, but it absolutely broke my heart.

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