Chapter 39

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After I'd talked with Roz, I went to the lounge. Jess and on his phone, ignoring me. I didn't blame him.

"You actually want to talk now?" He asks, not looking away from his phone.

"I want to marry you" I say. He instantly drops the phone. "One day, I want to marry you, and have kids with you, and build our own log cabin in the moutains. I want our babies to grow up riding horses and playing with their cousins, and living their lives on a big ranch just like you and I did. I want them to have have much love from you and I that they can taste it. I want them to get grossed out by how much you and I love each other when they're sixteen. I want all of that...with you. I want the good, the bad, I want the ugly. I want you to threaten to beat our daughters boyfriend up when she gets her first broken heart. I want you to stop me from telling off a no good girl for our son. Most importantly, I want you. I want you even if you're in Texas and I'm in Montana. We can do it, because we love each other. It's gonna be hard, but worth it, because I can't live without you, Jess. I tried and I can't. I don't ever want to think about it. I can't think about it".

"Baby, I want that too. You and me forever. I've always said that" He says.

"I-I don't want to talk about the tour ending right now, but when we do...just know that in the end, I will always choose you" I say. He takes my hands in his and nods.

"Me too. I will always choose you" He says before kissing me.

"Thank God. I hate when mom and dad fight" Roz says, sitting down in the lounge. Jess and I sat with her.

"We're good" Jess says, leaning into me. I snuggle into his chest. Then everything was silent until Roz let out a yelp.

"What was that?" I ask. She clenched her stomach.

"I-I don't know. It felt like something hit me" She says. Seconds later, it happened again. "Sadie, feel!". She grabbed my hand.

"Roz! I think that's the baby!" I say. I push down on her stomach a little and feel another kick. "She's kicking!".

"Wha- Really?" She asks. Tears formed in her eyes. Jess put his hand on her stomach.

"Woah. Strong girl" He says. "Maybe she'll pmay soccer".

"That' baby" She says.

"It is" I say. I could tell she was emotional about feeling her kick for the first time. I wrapped my arms around her. "She's the luckiest little girk already". A few seconds later, she pulls away, wiping tears.

"I think I'm the lucky one" She says. "I've got her, and you guys. Auntie Sadie and Uncle Jess. Plus, Cooper is absolutely amazing".

"Marriage worthy?" Jess asks.

"Babe, let her get giving birth over before you marry her off" I say. Roz laughs.

"I-I do love Coop, but we're happy with how things are now" She says. He smiles at her. I lean back into him. "Okay, baby has to pee". She princess to the bathroom. I lean back into Jess.

"Hey, I have a question" I say and look up at him. He kissed my lips before saying anything to me.

"Okay, now what's your question?" He asks. I pull his head toward me and kiss him again.

"My question is...are you happy?" I ask. He stays quiet, but states down at me. Damn, those eyes. A few seconds later, he holds up my left hand.

"Baby, do you see that ring?" He asks. I nod. "That ring means that you make me the happiest man in the world".

"You make me happy too. I love you, Jess. I really do" I say. "No matter what we go through, I just want you ti know that. Know that I love you".

"I know you do, baby. I love you too" He says.

"You promise? You won't ever leave?" I ask.

"Babe, where's this coming from?" He asks.

"Nowhere" I lie. "I just wanted you to know that..I'm here for the long haul". I nuzzle back onto his chest. I didn't want to admit how scared I was that we possibly wouldn't work out, but I was scared of that. I was scared because I gave Jess my entire heart and truth be told...I didn't really want it back.

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