Chapter 37

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It was finally Friday. Back on Buck for the first time in Michigan. However, today I was being interviewed for a magazine. "Trick Riding Talk". I loved reading it, but the fact that I was going to get an interview was way better. Roz helped me pick out my outfit. I got a new emerald outfit that matched Jess's riding gear. Plus, since I was the only trick rider now, I didn't have to match Roz. I missed her, but it was nice.

"Hair is good and curly" She says. I had naturally straight hair, but always kept it in a tight braid the nights before shows.

"Yeah. Good. They said I needed to look like a trick rider, so figured I'd do my whole routine" I say.

"God, I wish I was there too. I love this girl, but I kiss riding. The trainers have to exercise Mingo now" She says.

"I know. I wish I could ride him every now and then, but they said I have to stick to Buck" I say.

"Oh, well. You go out there and be amazing. Make me proud" She says before I exit the room. I went to the arena and found Jess waiting for me.

"There's my little magazine star" He says and kisses me.

"Theres my rodeo man" I say. I look over and hear being called and a producer motioning for me to come over.

"I love you so much" I say before kissing Jess again. He smacks my butt as I prance away.

"Knock em dead, baby" He says. I blew him another kiss.

"Hi, Saide. I'm Jessica Landry. I'll be doing your interview. And, it will also be televised if that's okay" She asks.

"Oh, of course" I say.

"Great. Let's get you mic'd up and we can begin" She says. I nod and let a woman put a mic on me before taking my seat. A few minutes later, we began.
"Good morning, everyone. Jessica Landry here with Trick Riding Talk, and today I am joined by a world champion rider who is currently a part of the PBR Entertainment Tour, Sadie Rosen. Thanks for joining us today, Sadie".

"Oh, thank you so much for having me. I'm honored" I say.

"So, Sadie. What drew you to trick riding?" She asks.

"Well, I grew up traveling the rodeo circuit with my parents. And, at one stop, my sister and I saw a couple girls trick riding and I asked my parents thst night if I could take some lessons. Thirteen years I am" I explain.

"So, you come from a rodeo family?".

"I do. My dad is Retired pro bullrider, Robbie Rosen. And, my sister is a barrel racer. My family owns a rodeo school up in Montana now. We all teach there".

"That sounds amazing. How did you end up on the PBR tour?" She asks.

"Pretty simply actually. I got a letter in the mail and a phone call. Although, my sister pretened to be me on the phone. Three days later, I was in Texas and now here I am" I say, thinking back to March. I never imagined I would've ended up here.

"We can tell from social media, you love it".

"I do. I love to ride and I've made some amazing friends being here. It's been a life changing experience, that I will never forget".

"Yes. We understand you've been in a pretty private relationship since March?" She asks.

"Well, yes and no. I... started a relationship with pro bullrider, Jess Lockwood in March, and we kept it under wraps, but we share an occasional Instagram post every now and then. He's in the public eye a lot and we just wanted something for ourselves" I explain. Jess and I both had never spoken I publicly about our relationship.

"Well, we love seeing those Instagram posts, and we love you, and trick riding. Do you have any advice for trick riders?".

"Be okay with falling. The reason my sister never was a trick rider is because she was afraid of falling off her horse. And, she can do that while barrel racing too, and she has, but always said falling off and a horse while standing was too scary. I've fallen more time than I could tell you, but it makes you better. That's why I like to take risks in my riding. That's what got me here. You can't be afraid to fall, because falling will only make you better". I stood by that with everything. Especially since meeting Jess. I started off being afraid of being with him, but now I can't live without him. He's made me a better woman. He's made me a better person. He makes life better in general. He makes the world better. And, I was so lucky, because he was all mine.

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