Please Stay<3

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How many nights have you sat there and thought about taking your life?
How many nights have you laid in bed and screamed until you cried?
How many nights have you cried yourself to sleep?
How many nights have you needed me?

How long has this been going on?
Where you feel like a failure,
And you don't belong?
How many nights have these thoughts occurred?

Tell me the truth,
I'll stick with you.
I'm not going to judge you on your answer.
I'm not going to leave.

Just tell me, please.
How long have you been hurting?
How long have you awaited death?
How long have you been dreaming of this?

I know it hurts you,
I can see it in your eyes.
I know you want to give up,
But let me inside.

Please let me help you,
I want to be let in.
I won't leave you,
I want to help you mend.

But you push me away,
Please come back!
I cannot lose you,
You're like my other half.

I can see that you're in pain,
It hurts me too.
I hate to see you hurting,
Because I don't know who hurt you.

But you won't tell me,
And I don't want to pry.
I don't want to break you down,
Or lose you tonight.

But suddenly you say you're fine,
I don't understand,
One day you're wanting death,
And the other you want to be you again.

But one day it became too hard,
You said you hit your final point.
I drove to your house,
But your bedroom door was locked.

I screamed to let me help you,
But your silence was enough.
But even still I got through the door,
And ran straight to you.

Please, please,
Let me help you!
Don't hurt yourself!
It's hard, I know, but listen to me,

Take a minute to think.
About the good things in life,
What about your friends and family?

What about the giddiness you felt on that day,
The smile you had then,
What about the feelings you have for her,
What happened to them?

I know it's tough right now,
But please find another way-
Another way to cope with your pain,
Because there is always another way.

I cannot lose you
Tonight, tomorrow, or ever,
I'd be lost without you,
I'd be a goner.

I know you're hurting,
I know you want to not feel like that,
But please, please-
Please quit doing that.

Eat something for me,
Drink some water or tea,
Take a shower,
And look at me.

I care about you,
So much that I would also be gone if you left me,
The earth needs someone like you living,
I need you living.

I know it's hard,
But we'll get through this together.
Please tell me when you're feeling down,
And I'll come rushing over.

I love you to the moon and back times infinity,
Please stay strong,
And if you cannot stay strong for yourself,
Please stay strong for me.

You're loved.
You're needed.
You're worthy.
You're strong.

I love you🤍

Please stay.🤍

Please Stay <3 1/24/21 23:22

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