Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: A regular guest

Laying the breakfast on the table, Jason sighed as he look at the delicious meals.

" Hmmm... The food looks delicious and appetizing as always. "

   Jason ignored the comment and went sat opposite of the person at the table. The person that was on the opposite of him was already diving in the food. Jason can't help but have a depreciating thought inside his mind. Looks like that it was inevitable for him to meet those 'people'. His silent and relaxing life in a new world was officially over. Living with Chiron peacefully with a security blanket— all of it was over the moment that Demigod former student of Chiron stepped through their lives one day.

And that Demi-God happens to keep barging into their peaceful abode after that day after day.  With those consequent visits, Jason's fear of the man disappears only to be replaced by annoyance and anger for destroying his peaceful life. And that demigod just happen to be the person that was enthusiastically digging through his food in front of him right now.

" Won't it be rude that you have forgotten to thank the gods and goddesses of Olympus, Benevolent Patron Aristaeus? "

Jason idly commented. Through his look nonchalant and polite while he questioned the demi-god, he just wanted to have the demi-god go away. But then, Chiron wasn't in this so-called home right now or even at the nearby cities or kingdom around Mount Pelion. On this day, it just happened that Chiron has some important matters that he needed to do. And it just happened that he need to go beyond the regions of Aeolia. This demi-god who was eating right now just happened to be assigned to take care of him by Chiron even though Jason insisted that he can take care of himself. Also, Chiron would take one week before he would go home. He was under the care of this guy for one week. He can take care of himself just fine. Jason can live for one week by himself and alone. He doesn't this demi-god who was being a freeloader at his and Chiron's home. But Chiron insisted that he need Aristaeus to take care of him.

While having that kind of thought, Jason watched as Aristaeus paused for a moment.

" You're right. " He looks at Jason with a serious face. Considering the seriousness of the matter. His gold eyes flickering. But then the demi-god serious expression disappeared and he shrugged his shoulders.

" But I can't help myself to eat the foods. It was delicious! "

" Overindulgence is a rude manner. "

Jason couldn't help but glare a bit when he heard Aristaeus. But then he immediately removes the glare on his face. He was afraid that he would offend the demi-god with his glare. And he doesn't want to have a first-hand experience of those consequences. Just thinking of the Greek Mythology reminded him of unfortunate mortals who manage to offend those petty and asshole gods and goddesses of Olympus.

Aristaeus stared at him for a moment. He was staring at him seriously again. This time his expression looks more serious and grim than the previous one. And finally, the result was out of his mouth whether Jason would be punished for his insolence.

" Chiron was right, you are quite an adorable kid! "

Looks like he was safe. Though he can't help but think that maybe Aristaeus has inherited some personality traits from his father. Jason shivered for a moment before he finally went to eat his portion of food.

Later, Jason was tending to his little farm garden again. He doesn't have a complaint when it comes to farming and watering the crops and different plants. Over the one year, he found out that he quite like tending to his little farm garden. It was relaxing and helping to settle his nerves off. Being with nature was helpful– what those people have said back at his world was true. It also serve as Jason's alternative when there was no technology in this world.

While Jason was tending to his little farm garden, Aristaeus was within the distance of Chiron's cave home where the nearest trees are located. He was taking care of the magical bees and collecting honey from them.

That's right. Magical Bees. Not ordinary bees. They were in the age of Gods after all. It was normal that even insects are magical at this period. An age that was abundant and filled with mysteries. As for why there are magical bees when there were previously none. It was Aristaeus's fault again. During one of his frequent visits, he decided to gift them a bee's nest as a sign of appreciation. Chiron was thankful for his former student's gift while Jason accepted the gift because he doesn't want to offend Aristaeus. Jason looks grateful on the outside when he accepted that gift at the outside. But inside his mind, he just wanted Aristaeus to don't disturb their lives. With that gift, Aristaeus would only have more reason to frequently visit them.

And behold, it happened. Aristaeus the god of beekeeping has become a regular visitor in their lives. Jason can't do anything about it. He could only blame himself for being stuck with a kid body, weak and powerless. He doesn't stand a chance against the demi-god who was also known as the God of Beekeeping. Even Aristaeus was only a Minor God, Jason a normal human being stuck in a kid's body with subpar archery skills and horrible at swords doesn't stand a chance to have the demi-god be brought away from their lives.

Later, Aristaeus could only look in amusement at Jason who was abusing the poor tree. He was constantly hitting the poor tree with his arrows repeatedly. With his frequent visits, he was already aware of the little child's wariness and annoyance regarding his frequent visits. It was amusing to watch the little child keep the words to himself and can only force to endure his visits. The new student of his former teacher was interesting and amusing. He was quite glad that he would have an amusing thing to keep himself entertained for the time being.

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