Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: Prelude to altered Journey


  On the throne of Iolcus sat Pelias the fake king of the kingdom of Iolcus. He was looking down at his throne and staring at someone with both of his fists clenched tightly.

Kneeling before the king was a young mage bearing raven-colored hair. Despite Pelias having no reason to be wary of the young magician before him. His appearance and declaration are different from each other.

" I have arrived at the Kingdom of Iolcus at last. Hailing from Athens. I have journeyed alone so that I would fulfill the fate destined upon me.

I have arrived in this kingdom and seen its state. Despite the festival ongoing in this kingdom, I didn't see many smiles from the people of this kingdom. I have borne witness to the state of fear and restlessness amongst the people. "

The next day after helping Promachus, Jason didn't dilly daily further. As he declared to Promachus he has indeed gone to the Palace and requested to have an audience with King Pelias.

Upon his arrival at the Palace, he introduced his identity as Medes a mage from the city of Athens.

Coming from a famous and prominent city and being a mage, his request has been approved. Other than the king, on this day happened to be some of the children of Pelias with him upon his arrival in the throne room other than Pelias and his advisors.

He then went to introduce himself and now he was within the final parts of his introduction.

" I am Diomedes. The son of Aeson. The former and rightful king of Iolcus. King Pelias, I wish for you to stop the people under the kingdom of Iolcus to stop suffering under your reign.

What can I do to make it happen? "

Under the gazes of everyone, the raven-haired young man removes his disguise. Long blond locks and bright green eyes reflecting nature... The young man. Now a kid who hasn't still begun his puberty stage stands before the fake king of Iolcus.

Everyone was astonished by his words and appearance in the throne room. Asteropeia who was currently in the throne room was also shocked that the mage that humiliated and scared her before was now just a kid who may be around the same age as her.

Promachus who accompanied Jason to enter the palace and throne room with him was trembling slightly unnoticed by Jason. Just like the others, he was surprised and astonish. But unlike the others, the other reason.

Staring at Jason who now directed a comforting smile at him, Promachus was silent.

He never thought that the kind and young magician were his brothers.

Who deceived him under the guise of a young magician.

" Other than that condition, I also want Promachus who has been under the servitude of one of your daughters to regain his freedom. "

Under the complicated gaze of Promachus, the ignorant Jason wished for the freedom of his little brother.

Later, even things are different in this world. Some things remained the same. Even if it was within different circumstances, the outcome was the equivalent.

Jason must fetch the golden fleece for Pelias so he can take back the throne of Iolcus.

And Jason who was clueless about most things about Greek Mythology was ignorant about Pelias using Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece which symbolizes authority and kingship.


Several days after, Jason returned to Athens bringing Promachus with him and introducing him to various things about Athens. First and foremost was the guardian patron deity of the city which is Athena. He carefully warned Promachus to be careful and respectful when speaking of the Goddess's name.

Other than Jason bringing Promachus with him, they were also accompanied by Acastus– the oldest child and only son of King Pelias.

King Pelias reasoned that Acastus would accompany him on his journey in search of the Golden Fleece. His son would be there so that Jason would use fair means of getting the Golden Fleece.

Unlike his father Pelias, Jason thought that Acastus was an okay guy. And felt sorry for his original fate. Medea has manipulated Acastus's little sisters to dismember their father for Jason to take the throne of Iolcus.

Jason decided that it wouldn't end up that way. There would be no dismemberment that would happen or any gruesome fates. There would be no tragedy either. Jason wanted to get a happy ending to the conclusion of his journey.

But upon his return to Athens, Jason have forgotten some things when he left the city. Watching Chiron and the children expecting his arrival at one of the gates of the city, Jason cringed inside.

Currently, in his human form, Chiron was staring at him with a complicated gaze.

" I'm back? "

Jason doesn't know how to break the somber mood so he could only say those words to break the serious atmosphere.

" Leader Medes! "

" Medes! "

" Brother Diomedes! "

After that, Jason didn't expect to get crushed by the children's intense hug and be buried in their pile if he wasn't removed from the said pile by Chiron.

He didn't expect the kids to miss him so much in his absence. But he has left them uninformed and Jason has only given Chiron the letter so they must be worried that something bad has happened to him which is understandable.

" Welcome back Diomedes.. "

After removing him from the pile and chastising the children, Chiron greeted him back and patted his shoulder. Despite the warm words, there wasn't a smile on the centaur.

Jason has screwed himself for leaving without informing Chiron of his plan. He hoped that the centaur would be lenient towards him if there were any punishments.

But unexpected to Jason, the centaur didn't get angry there wasn't any scolding. Instead, there was a sad smile and a question.

" Yet, I know that you wouldn't last here remaining in Athens. I assume that there was a task that you must fulfill? "

Entering the city with Chiron, Jason nodded his head.

" Yes, Sensei.. But there is something that I need.. I apologize for leaving you and now returning when I needed something. There was a certainty that I would have a perilous journey ahead and I need an assistance.. "

Other than bringing Promachus with him to Athens so that the kid can remain here while he was on his journey, he hoped that the Centaur and the people of Athens could help him get a freaking Ship.

Even though Jason was dreaming that he could do the task alone, it was impossible in the reality. He would need a lot of things. Other than a Ship... What he was reluctant to have on his journey was to have companions who would accompany him.

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