Chapter 1 - Greyson Meets the Girl

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This is my own story and I will not tolerate any copying. Hope you enjoy it!

Third Person POV

Scarlett bid her farewells with a touch of reluctance as she gently shut the car door behind her. As her mother's vehicle receded into the distance, her attention was redirected towards the scene that unfolded before her: the bustling, labyrinthine structure of her new school, an institution rife with adolescent energies and the clamor of learning. A soft exhalation escaped her lips, an audible sigh underscoring the mingling emotions as she embarked upon her approach towards the entrance. Each measured step carried her through the corridors, where the surrounding young denizens exhibited a spectrum of interactions - who were either laughing, some absorbed by their phone, while some were staring at the new girl with curiosity.

In her perambulation, she encountered the most attractive boy in school, Greyson Vargas who was talking to his friends. An individual whose magnetic appeal elicited stares from fellow female students, both by supernatural beings and humans. Numerous girls throughout the school dreamed and desired he could be their one and only, hoping he would be their soulmate. As Scarlett moved past him, an unexpected yet captivating fragrance wafted into Greyson's nose. This delicate fusion of strawberry and vanilla, ensnared his senses, halting his ongoing conversation in a momentary suspension. While one might anticipate a surge of elation, the surge of his pulse was instead accompanied by a rush of apprehension as he recognized the scent of a human being. In an instant, the trajectory of his thoughts pivoted, his mind conjuring a vivid mosaic of possibilities. The intrigue of this aroma gave way to a stark realization, a revelation that sent ripples of panic through him. His once-sanguine orbs widened, pupils dilating with a blend of surprise and anxiety, a combination that resonated outward from the depths of his gaze. A singular thought permeated the tumult of his consciousness, each word resounding like a weighted echo: a human being... as a mate.

As the bell heralded throughout the halls, indicating classes were about to start, Greyson was snapped out of his daze as Connor intervened with a gentle yet firm encouragement, guiding him towards the class. As he entered the class the girl's scent immediately filled his nose. As he found his usual seat, he locked onto her figure as she was seated at the back of the class which she successfully located with a little help from other students.

Principal Wells and Mr. Green entered the class, their presence inducing a temporary stillness peppered with hushed murmurs and perplexed gazes. "Now, now settle down class. Today we have a new student among us all the way from California. I expect you to be kind, helpful, and most importantly friendly towards her. " Principal Wells said to the class. Scarlett chewed her pen nervously. She hated being centre-staged and dreaded the next thing that came out of his mouth. 

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