Chapter 6 - Uplifted Rule

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Ryder carefully positioned Scarlett on the bed, securing her hands behind her back with a firm touch. As she began to stir awake, her eyelids fluttered, struggling against the remnants of sleep. Gradually, her bleary gaze shifted around the unfamiliar room, and she blinked several times until the details of her surroundings coalesced into focus. The haze of grogginess clung to her voice as she mumbled, her words slurring together. "What is going on?" A velvety chuckle escaped Ryder's lips at her state. "Hello, darling. All your questions will be answered in due time. I'm Ryder, Greyson's wolf side." In response, Scarlett let out a laughter tinted with incredulity, as if Ryder had just shared the most amusing joke. "Wolves don't exist, silly."

A measured nod accompanied Ryder's words. "Well in this world, they do. I'll let Grey do the talking on that one." Scarlett attempted to rise, only to be thwarted by the constraint of her bound hands. The realization of her predicament ignited a spark of panic within her, and her words trembled with urgency. "What gives? Why am I tied up? Am I being kidnapped right now!?"

Ryder's voice sought to allay her fears. "No, no, no. Well, technically, yes. You were compelled to come here, but I tied you up so then Greyson would know what to do with you. Furthermore, you do not get the chance to run." Her skepticism persisted, her tone laced with incredulity as she probed. "What the hell is going on? Why are your eyes black? Are you a demon?"

A brief of annoyance sounded in his tone as the wolf rolled his eyes, being quite familiar to the questions. "Okay, if you're gonna keep asking me questions, I'm afraid I will be having to dose you next."

In the midst of this enigmatic exchange, Greyson's consciousness stirred. His eyes, once veiled in darkness, blinked back to their usual state, and he struggled to regain his bearings. Gradually, his gaze settled on the figure of Scarlett before him. "What are you doing here in my bedroom? I thought you were in the cell."

"I don't know." Her words were tinged with vulnerability, a reflection of the discomfort and confusion that swirled within her. "I just woke up and found out that my hands are tied. And this is a really uncomfortable position to be in right now." she mumbled, her voice trailing off with a hint of exasperation.

Greyson's voice was laced with both confusion and realization as he tried to piece together the puzzle. "Wait, wait, wait." He quieted her down. "Last thing I remember was my brother leaving and then that's it."

A heavy silence hung in the air, the weight of the situation pressing down on them until he sighed in realization and groaned in comprehension. "Ryder."

Scarlett's patience reached its limit, and her words spilled out with an edge of frustration. "Tell me what is going on and why my hands are tied? I have never been so confused in my entire life. Well, except when we had that math exam. That was confusing as -"

"Okay, shut up. I don't need you rambling right now. I'm in deep shit with my father with you being my m-" Greyson halted in his words, his patience worn thin by the second. Collecting his thoughts, Greyson drew in a deep breath. "Stay here." he ordered, leaving her alone in his room as he departed. Fatigue tugged at her senses, and she yielded to the allure of slumber, seeking solace in the act of sleep.

Within the depths of his father's study, Greyson found his dad in his office and decided to confront him. "Dad, I know Ryder took control of me. Ignore whatever he said, alright?" he requested. He knew Ryder tended to make things worse whenever he showed his face. The words that followed carried an air of urgency and a plea for understanding. 

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