Chapter 17 - Abduction

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TW: Hits and punches, and mention of drugs

A few weeks had passed since Scarlett's mother had visited her, and in that time, things had changed significantly. Her mother had decided to stay at the pack house for a while, making it official by selling her own home. It was a big step, but one that brought Scarlett a sense of comfort. At least now, her mother wasn't out in the world sharing every embarrassing detail from Scarlett's younger years. Anyway, she was happy now that all her family is by her side and that's all that really mattered, no matter how screwed it can be.  

Earlier that day, Scarlett had insisted on going grocery shopping. The cabin fever was starting to get to her, and she needed to get out of the house before she lost her mind. Greyson had been reluctant to let her go, especially with the tension surrounding the meetings he'd been attending recently. But after seeing the desperate look on her face, he reluctantly agreed—on the condition that she'd be back by 7.

Well, 7 o'clock had come and gone, and Scarlett was still out. She had, admittedly, gone a bit overboard with the shopping. In her defense, there never seemed to be enough food in the fridge, and she couldn't stand that. Now, her arms heavy with bags, she trudged along the darkening street, determined to get home before Greyson started to worry.

As she walked, she suddenly paused, her ears picking up a rustling noise from the nearby bushes. She glanced over her shoulder but saw nothing. Shaking it off as her imagination, she kept moving.

But after a few more steps, the noise came again, louder this time. Her heart began to pound in her chest, faster and faster. The once familiar road now felt eerie, every shadow stretching a little too far, every noise amplified in the stillness.

There was only one thing she could do.

Run. Run fast.

So that's exactly what Scarlett did

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So that's exactly what Scarlett did. She sprinted, desperately trying to keep a firm grip on the grocery bags while maintaining her speed. Once she felt she had put enough distance between herself and the unseen threat, she slowed down, leaning against a nearby lamppost. The night air was cool against her skin, and she took a moment to catch her breath, placing her hands on her knees as she struggled to calm her racing heart.

For a fleeting moment, she felt a sense of relief wash over her, as if whatever—or whoever—had been lurking in the shadows was now far behind. But the thought of Greyson's reaction if he ever found out something had happened to her sent chills down her spine. He would hunt down whatever was responsible and unleash his fury in a way that made the unknown presence seem tame. Scarlett would take her chances with the latter over facing Greyson's wrath any day.

As she finally regained her breath and turned back toward the house, her sense of security shattered. She was met with an oppressive darkness, swallowing the world around her. Panic surged through her, and in her shock, she dropped the grocery bags. Before she could process what was happening, a strong hand gripped her tightly from behind, muffling her instinctual scream.

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