Chapter One: Inappropriate *

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"You like this shit huh?" He breathes, hand filled with rings pulling down on your dark hair, "You like it when daddy is rough with you?"

You gasp, arching your back more looking into mirror to meet his dark eyes. Jimin kisses the back of your ear, choosing not leave any hickey's just simply because you guys were currently at Jin's mom's event and the dress you were wearing was really revealing.

"Yes, " You cry, " Harder Daddy."

With a harsh grip on your hair and a tight hold on your hip, Jimin lulling his head back while your body clenched around him over and over, the whimpers leave your lips as Jimin tries to push his dick deeper.



Your breaths fog up the mirror, a rush crashing into your scalp and flowing straight down to your toes, despite wearing heels your feet arch causing your body to raise is the orgasm comes so fast it makes you dizzy.

This looks bad. You know that.

Jimin watches as your eyes skrew shut, a smirk playing on his lips before the hand that rested on hip makes a way between your legs and Jimin instantly comes into contact with your clit..

"God, Jimin, " You sob, feeling the pressure in your twisting and turning.

Tears fill your eyes while your body tenses, Jimin tugs at your hair. Causing your back to come to contact with your front.

"Look, " He whispers, nibbling your earlobe before flicking his wrist faster while matching the pace of his thrusts, " Look at yourself kitten,"

But you can explain as to why your boyfriend was fucking you senseless inside of this mansion that belonged to one of the richest families in Korea. The first thing you would like to point out was that Jimin hasn't been home in 4 days.

The boys all pressured him into having a boys 'prep' sleepover at the Jeon's. However, this man has been blowing up your phone and teasing. You missed him so much,  and when he stepped foot in the ballroom, his hair blonde with dark roots. The leather pants gripping his muscular thighs perfectly.

Jin's mom then interrupted your strides towards him, your bright red dress practically flowing behind you, giving the dramatic effect but all of that halted when Jin's mom complimented you and asked you to start networking almost immediately.

You have been in the same building as your boyfriend for the past 4 hours and you haven't even spoken to him, touched him, kissed him. Nor have you seen Hyejin or Yoongi or Jisoo.

Something inside of you knew you could've just waited just a few more hours...

But that clearly was dismissed.

Your eyes meet Jimins dark orbs in the mirror, he feels you have right hold on his dick and Jimin moans when he feels his orgasm coming.

It hits you hard, deep in your gut but mostly right in the chest where your heart is. His kiss is gentle, the hard thrusts becoming sloppy while he continued to move in and out of you, brushing past your sensitive vaginal walls oh so gently that you can't help but reach for his hand. Jimin holds your hand, chest heaving before thrusting one last time.

His semen fills you completely, and you suddenly feel warm and full inside, a feeling you always felt when with him.

"You never could resist me, "  Jimin teases, pulling out halfway before pushing himself slowly back in.

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