Chapter Eleven: Disappearing*

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"So now that graduation is over, and you have the job of your dream, where do you wanna go from here."

Jimin looks up to you as you straddled his waist, your fingers remain interlocked as you play with them. The only thing on your body right now was a bright red thong and a tight short sleeve crop top. He watches the way your eyes wander around the room as you begin to think.

You didn't ever think that you would once ever reach your goals so soon. For yourself, the future seems blurry, you still have figured out what set a goal to have or a type of strategy to help achieve anything. You were more focused on the present. One thing you were most certain of is that you want to share your future with Jimin.

"I don't know," You say honestly, " I feel like life is going fast and I don't know how to keep up. "

He understands where you come from, also having a blurry future. After the first couple of days working at the studio and falling in the love again with his passion for dancing, Jimin has been focused on training the girls rather than what he could be doing long-term.

"It has been quite the rollercoaster, hasn't it?"He scoffs.

You roll your eyes.

"I'm just glad I finally have you all to myself." You smile, unwinding your fingers from his.

He takes the opportunity to gently place his hands onto your thighs as they rested on either side of him. With careful movements, you lean down to give him a gentle kiss, in the hope to open the floodgates. Jimin snakes his way up to your ass, coming into contact with your bare skin before taking hold of the string of your thong by your hip.

"I think you need to take this off."He mumbles against your lips.

You grin pulling away but keeping your faces near. Jimin looks into your orbs not having to see the devious smile that begins to grow on your lips. Your eyes have a glint of mischief swimming within them and Jimin feels the sudden urge to make your shy.

"And why is that?"

Something in your aura radiated confidence and he was obsessed with it. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't like putting you in situations that leave you to be flustered.

"You know why."

Jimin watches as you slide off of him. Pulling the thong down your legs and throwing it off the bed.

You straddle his hips again and this time Jimin hisses lowly. Feeling your naked sex rest on his lower abdomen. You lay your hands on top of his as they hold onto your thighs yet again. Jimin eyes you as you get comfortable again, rocking your hips against his bare skin.

The sinister smile gives him the push and Jimin adjusts his head to look at you whilst you arched your back.

"Let me ask you something." He licks his lips after his words, "Have you ever touched yourself before?"

"Yes." You admit, "That's a stupid question, baby."

Jimin watches as you remain confident, his left hands move from your thigh to rest at the back of his head. You smile in oblivion not seeing where the conversation was going. The last time you remember touching yourself was a really long time ago.

Ever since you and him have been together- you have never felt the need to masturbate.

So you never did.

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