Chapter Three: Audition

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"Okay, Kitten I really need to go."



"Jimin, please," You whine, arms wrapped around his waist, refusing to let him go , allowing him to kiss you over and over.

But you knew at some point you had to let Jimin go, however, it only feels as if he just got back home yesterday. You just want to be with him all the time but it seems as if the universe has other plans - keeping your man busy.

"Just call Hyejin, I'll be right back I promise." He whispers, hands on either side of your cheeks, squishing them gently that your bottom lip pulls out gently.

Jimin can't help but groan at the puppy eyes, a glistening touch on your orbs forces him to kiss you again.

"6 hours is not as short as you make you seem, " You whine.

"I know, " He kisses you again, " But-"





Jimin pecks your lips over and over between each word.

"Promise?" You squeak, lifting your pinky in clear sight got him to see, Jimin removes one hand from your cheek, hooking your pinkies and nodding.

"I promise, "

With slight hesitancy, slowly your arms unwrap from him. Jimin sighs at your sulky behavior, leaning down for his backpack and reaching for his car keys by the bowl close to the door. With his scent still lingering, Jimin turns around, not realizing how you would take small steps behind him to follow him out the door.

You waddle, not wanting to separate from him so soon. Jimin was only going for his interview and possible audition.

That's a big deal.

When he had mentioned the Bighit situation you had thought that maybe since it was such a large company, training hundreds of people at a time - that Jimin would maybe be home for a week or two before starting anything.

But obviously, Jin's mom pulled some strings because it hasn't even been a good 4 days. Jimin has been going to the gym a lot, even practicing his favorite modern dance choreographies from the past.

Your heart melts with how gracefully he still managed to move. Watching him practice makes your heart full, the glow in his skin, the gentle breathtaking movements that go in sync with each tune of the songs that he has chosen.

It was like watching him fall into this trance, a different universe.

His universe.

For a second you even forgot that this man stopped dancing at some point just to fit in. It would all take you back to when you were younger and you always went to his performances. It was a nostalgic feeling, something in you even remembers when you told Jimin that he was born to perform.

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