Chapter Nine: No worries.....?

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Jimin tilts his head to the side,debating on whether or not he should make Korean pancakes or just a normal Korean breakfast . For some reason he decided to make breakfast so that's you can go to work with him today. After you voiced your complaint about his mother it was as clear as day that separation was needed between both of you until after the graduation.

"Good Morning,"

Speak of the devil and she shall appear. His mother was dressed, ready for her day while her sleeves rolled up — clearly stating she wanted to help.

"Morning," He greets back, also rolling up his sleeves.

"Good Morning," She says back, ears perking up to hear any movement upstairs to signal your arrival, but instead of hearing your footsteps going down the stairs, she hears the shower water run.

"Isn't she going to help you with this?"

Jimin shakes his head, taking out the leftover side dishes from the fridge and placing them on the kitchen counter.

"Whoever wakes up first always makes breakfast, it's kind of an unspoken rule between us."

"But doesn't that mean she should make the effort to wake up a little bit early to make you something? I always wake up early to make your Dad breakfast."

Ah, Jimin internally says, so this is what you had to deal with whenever he wasn't around this his mother was adamant about you doing everything for Jimin — but your friend has never been that way.

Sure you tend to be more submissive to Jimin after you guys started dating but you still saw Jimin as someone capable enough of taking care of himself. The idea of cooking and cleaning for him and yourself right now when both of you are extremely busy and constantly tired just doesn't seem fair.

"The difference is you married to Dad and he was always working. Y/n and I are both working and don't have time for such — I'm not saying she doesn't do anything for me but that doesn't mean she must do everything for me."

She can only look at her son, not liking this feeling at all. He was growing up — it feels like it was just yesterday that Jimin was born. Now he us graduating from tertiary education, with a well-rounded internship with dancing while having his ring on a woman's finger.

It was a promise ring but soon enough it will be an engagement ring. Then wedding ring. Then poof — Jimin has way more things to worry about other than his mother. She was kind of hoping that Jimin would slow down and enjoy his twenties. But his growth because of you was too much to ignore.

It was happening too fast.

"How did the dress shopping go?" Jimin asks as he pours the last cup of rice in the rice cooker, wanting to hear her side of the story.

"She completely disregarded my advice," She says sternly as she spoke about you, remembering the way Jisoo, Hyejin and yourself were laughing at all of her suggestions.

She just wanted you to look pretty, but after you just her the long sleeve bodycon dress it was as clear as day that your version of pretty and her version of pretty was not the same. You practically chose the opposite of what she wanted you to wear.

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