Chapter Six : Complicated

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"Can we talk?"

Hyejin sits on the toilet, listening to the shower run as Yoongi hums a tune that she couldn't recognize. She has been wanting to talk to Yoongi about the very clear distance between them.

Yeah, the sex was great. Hell, that department is forever receiving improvement so she will never feel the need to complain about it. However, it seems as if their relationship's base is beginning to only become sexual and that's not what she wants.

Yoongi's basketball season just started, the man had to focus so hard specifically for his training and the man was too afraid to admit the fact that the beers have finally gotten to him.

He has been struggling with communication, he tries immensely to keep Hyejin happy without expressing negative emotions.

The man thought it would work.

But clearly not.

"Yoongi?" He hears her sigh, through the blurry shower doors, he can only see the outline of her body on the toilet.

Yoongi opens the shower door just a little bit to see her.

"Join me, then we can talk."

"But then you know where this will go. You and I will not talk." Hyejin confesses, " Yoongi please."

The man places his hand on the shower door and tilts his head back. Hyejin gulps as the water trickled down his pale bare chest. Yoongi pushes the wet hair strands to look at his girlfriend properly, there was a certain seriousness swimming with her orbs as she nervously bites down on her lip.

Yoongi closes the shower water off, reaching for a towel by the rack, and instantly wraps it around his waist to walk out.

"Okay, I'm here," He says," You have my full attention, I promise."

Her fingers play with the clear coating on her nails, chipping it slowly as she suddenly feel nervous again. Hyejin had no idea how to make this conversation light, to make it not sound like it was a serious even though it did feel that way for her. Yoongi was never really expressive.

Yeah he flirted with her and still made her feel special. But it feels like ever since off season has started plus the rush to graduation it was like their times have been shortened by an insane amount and sometimes she just wished Yoongi would just call you and randomly say i miss you.

"I know every relationship is different," She starts.

She thinks about you and Jimin. The constant calls, texting. The never-dying enthusiasm whenever you guys reunite. You guys were very expressive with your love and it shows. In fact you were never even the affectionate type — Jimin was. After he threw himself head and heart first so you did the same.

Maybe that's what's Hyejin wanted. For Yoongi to throw himself at her but she can't expect that from him because he was never the affectionate type anyway.

"But I feel like you don't really like me as much as before," She confesses, blushing, not paying attention to Yoongi as he frowns.

"Why would you think that?"

Yoongi was genuinely confused. Running a hand through his wet hair as his tongue licked his bottom lip, waiting for her to say what's on her mind.

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