Chapter Four : Home *

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Jimin walks into the building, his hands occupied with his phone and car keys while making his way towards reception. The lady straightens her back and stands, giving Jimin a warm welcome and he instantly bows back in respect.

The building was vast, breathtaking with a certain elegance to it. This floor specifically could tell you everything that you need to know about the company. On each side of the wall were projected videos and images of all the artists under the company.

There was a comfortable feeling in the air as all the celebrities, trainees, producers, and lawyers walk all over the show in slow steps, some more hurried than others as they all have destined places to be.

"I'm here for an audition, " He quietly says, the receptionist nods her head, sitting back down in her seat and rolling it closer to the computer screen.


"Park Jimin, "

Jimin leans over the counter, arms crossed as now the nerves began again. He felt really intimidated by his surroundings and it was making his heartbeat straight out of his chest. Jimin tries to talk deep breaths under the mask but it feels as if he was about to suffocate on the thing.

The woman types away, glancing at the screen before reaching towards the telephone. Pressing a number and placing the device by her ear.

"Yes Mr. Bang," She replies," Park Jimin has arrived and is ready to see you."

As her words go through Jimin's head, his hands unhook the mask from his ears before folding it and pushing it into his pockets. His hand lifts the cap of his head to run through his hair, a habit that always seems to come out whenever he was nervous — he places the cap back on and looks back at her waiting for the next instruction.

The receptionist hangs up the phone and stands, feeling a sudden blush rush to get cheeks as her eyes meet Jimin's. He says nothing while her hand pushes her hair behind her shoulder.  As his face was in full view for her to see.

"He is waiting for you in his office, " She says shyly, Jimin picks up on the tone, his eyebrow lifting unintentionally and she notices, "Just go straight down to the elevator and go to the fifth floor."

He feels awkward by her energy but keeps his respect intact.

"Thank you."

As Jimin walks towards the elevator. Without noticing, heads would turn. Girls would shy away and some meant would not realize that they are staring. A group of girls walking in a huddle walk behind Jimin as they also needed to make their way towards dance practice.

Jimin presses on a button and they all wait patiently beside him. Whispers and shushes happening as they begin to gawk at him. Jimin wasn't necessarily the tallest but at this moment he felt massive compared to how tiny they were.

One of the trainees giggles as she leans into her friend, hooking her arms while she tries to calm her down. They have never seen him around the building before and they were curious as to why he was here.

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