Chapter Ten : Graduation and Pinky Promises

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"We are going to be late!"

You shout upstairs while you fiddled with the camera in your hand, you only had one shoe on — which your mother could see but she still wanted your attention. Jisoo grabs the camera from your hand and reassures you that she got it. There was so much going on in your apartment right now.

Jimin is upstairs, doing lord knows what while his parents run around like headless chickens, going in and out of the house with their overnight bags and bottles of wine.

"Jimin!" You shout out again," Seriously, we have to go."

Once your shoe was strapped, you stand pulling your short bodycon dress down for it to be at least mid-thigh. Your mother hands you your gown and you slip it on before taking the cap and trying to slip it onto your head without messing up your hair.

"We have to take pictures first," Your mother says, smiling from ear to ear, tears clearly in her eyes," I wish your dad was here to see this."

"Mom," You whine with a sad smile, Jisoo hands you your bouquet and you stand beside her by the plain white wall so your mother can start taking pics.

Your eyes also start to water and you look up to the ceiling. You can't cry right now, not after sitting in a make-up chair all morning. Jisoo wraps her arm around your waist, instantly pulling you into a hug.

Despite her parents not being able to come to her graduation due to their traveling, Jisoo was extremely ecstatic that you invited her to celebrate the day together, and the way your Mother gave Jisoo her bouquet was enough to make her appreciate you.

You grin when you feel her cheek gently press against yours, the camera flash almost blinds you.

"Your dad is proud of you," Jisoo whispers and looks at you," I just know it."

Before you can even say thank you — finally Jimin rushes downstairs, fully dressed and ready to go. Your mother reaches for his flowers and continues to take a lot of pictures.

"We need to go, now," Jimin says with a bit of panic.

"Okay," You say," I'll drive with Jisoo in my car because I'm gonna pick up Jin and Joon on the way. You'll take the rents in your car because I think everyone else is already there — mom can take pictures of them so long."

"Good idea," He agrees, leaning down to peck your lips," Drive safely, okay Kitten? I'll see you in a bit."

You nod as you grab your car keys, the heels at your feet almost make you hiss. This is the most you've ever dressed up before — you didn't even feel this pretty on your first date ever. As everyone walks past you towards the door, you make sure the kitchen windows are closed before taking steady steps towards the door.

"Ready?" You question as you smile at Jisoo, flipping through your batch of keys to lock the front door.

"Yeah," Jisoo grins, grabbing your finger," Let's get graduated!"


"Wow." Jin gasps, his fingers moving along the leather seats," Bro, you did not tell me you were loaded."

"Barely." You snort," This is my mom's pick— I only chose it cause Jimin said it's a good car."

"Yeah but imagine driving your own Mercedes-Benz at the age of 23?" Joon whistles," Is your mother some kind of drug dealer?"

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