Chapter 14 : Pregnant? *

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"Just do what I said and everything will be well," Her hands rest on your shoulders, and you can't help but glance at Jimin.

Graduation was great, and not like you were kicking Jimin's mom out or something but one could say that she has most definitely overstayed her welcome. You somewhat have to be thankful, she did clean the apartment spotless and cooked quite the feast before her departure.

"I'm sorry we couldn't take you guys to the airport," Jimin says," We just have a lot of work."

The truth was that if you wanted to take them to the airport you could've taken them since Jimin is the one who has work and not you, but the idea of having a couple hours to sleep and recover a bit from the long and yet exhausting week was enough for you to call it a day. Plus your pictures from your sexy photoshoot were getting delivered today and it would be an actual nightmare if Jimin's mother would be curious enough to open it.

You would die, like actually.

"Do not worry about that honey, you guys just make sure that Hyejin has all the support that needs, I don't want her to down spiral on her own, "Your mother suggests, gently rubbing on your shoulder before leaning in for a hug.

"Take care of each other please, "She says in your ear, you nod wrapping your arms around her a farewell hug.

Jimin's dad curses under his breath while glancing at the clock above the television, you are still your mothers embrace before sneaking a peak to see the time, "Mom you guys need to leave now so that you don't miss your flight."

"Your Uber is here, "Jimin says it so enthusiastically that it makes his parents side eye him.

Jimin loves his parents, he really does but their stay here has been a lot, he can't even kiss you as much because his mother would send glares his way and that was enough for him to physically keep his distance. Forcing himself to actually realise that his mother was cock blocking him, which is really such a crazy thought but its true.

He doesn't even know when Hyejin is supposed to move in but if he had to be honest, he crosses his fingers that it would be sometime next week. The man just want to hang out with you just for a couple more days before the apartment becomes 'restricted' again.

But since the word homeless has urgency to it, the chances of Hyejin moving in tonight or tomorrow is extremely high. Plus He feels a certain type of way of how you guys started bickering out of nowhere. First it was the thing with his mother, then Solar then Jinhyeong , the man really doesn't know if he is the problem or if you are becoming more annoyed by him.

Jimin doesn't really know.

"Why does it sound like you can't wait to get rid of me?"His mother tilts her head.

"Not to rush you but I need to go and get ready for work,'' He replies.

She waves him off, your mother giving you a kiss on the cheek for reaching for Jimin's face and giving him one too, they hurriedly rush to the Uber and you stand at the doorsteps watching them get into the car. You gently push your boyfriend backwards until your further enough to shut the door. You lean against the wooden barrier, closing your eyes before taking a deep breath.

"I need a nap."

He watches as you walk past him and manoeuvre your ways towards the steps that lead to the bedrooms. He carefully examines you, not really thinking but taking note of how much wider your hips are, the length of your hair has also grown insanely long.....but your patience levels have been thinner. You've never really been the type to take naps either way, you always recover well after drinking like a fish.

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