Chapter Five : Vogue Korea

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Jimin stops the car right in front of your new work building, watching all different types of people walk towards the entrance dressed in all types of ways. Compared to Bighit that was filled with people who were dressed with aim of comfortability — Vogue Korea was outrageously different.

Everyone was dressed to impress and the man can tell that you were feeling insecure with how you remained in the passenger seat with arms folded over your stomach. You watch as the people walk in and out of the building, beginning to feel like you were a tad bit underdressed.

This is making you seriously want to go on a shopping spree. But that will be the first thing you will do once you get your first salary.

Jimin thought you looked perfect, that once you walk in through the mixture of people that you blend right in, no one would have ever thought that today was your first day.

You were dressed to impress.

And you sure as hell were impressing Jimin.

"Baby if you don't get out of the car now, I'm going to be late." He says, you turn to him, eyes slightly enlarged with panic.

"Are you sure I look good?" You say, adjusting your baby hairs with your fingers, your hands find a way on the bun at the top of your head, moving a few strands around.

Jimin just watches as you try and "fix" yourself, even though you looked perfectly fine to him. Your hands find the hold onto your white turtle neck, sniffing it in an attempt to smell your perfume.

It might be your anxiety that disarmed your ability to detect the scent and that's when you really start to panic.

"And I smell okay right?"

You lean over the driver's seat. Jimin's eyes close at the familiar scent, the corners of his lips turning upward that the scent alone was enough to make him melt. The man loved the way the car smelt every time you left simply because it would smell exactly like you.

His lips peck your neck, as his hand is gently laid at the back of your head to lower your gaze.

"You smell delicious." Jimin confesses, " You've got this."

You look into his eyes, searching and searching for the doubts but nothing comes up. The adoration clear in his orbs and that was enough confidence built to at least get you inside that building.

"Now, get out!"

He interrupts your thoughts, reaching for the small brown bag that was the same shade as the black mid-calf-length boots at your feet. Jimin reaches for the door handle, hurriedly kisses your lips before practically forcing you out of the car.


Jimin rolls down the window, "I love you!"

Then he drives off. With disbelief, you still watch as the Rover turns a corner, and just like that Jimin was gone.

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