Chapter Seven: Couch? *

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"You guys sleep in the same bed?"

You blink at his mom, wondering why that question was even necessary to ask. Your apartment had 3 bedrooms, originally — one was yours, one was Jimin's and the third one was the guest room. You decided that Jimin's parents can have his room and your mom can have the guest room.

But Jimin's mom is clearly unimpressed about the idea of you sharing a room with her son.

"Yeah..."Jimin shrugs glancing at me before stating the obvious," We are kind of dating."

She takes note of the tone in her son's voice, almost glaring at him before she states the obvious.

"Yeah? But you're not married?"

Whiplash hits you so hard that it causes your eyes to widen, you look at your mom in warning, wondering what the in the world this women could be talking about. She has known in the past about you and Jimin sharing a room — hell, she was the reason you and Jimin decided to move in together after high school.

You have been living solo with Jimin for almost five years.

"Leave them be," Your mom interrupts, " It's only for the sake of space, we are using up all the rooms, where else is Jimin supposed to sleep? Outside?"

"But I don't think they should be sleeping in the same bed, that's beyond inappropriate."

Jimin chuckles underneath his breath and you can't help but also blush. This woman has no idea how inappropriate you guys can be, the bed is really not where the magic happens. You elbow him I attempt to calm him down and the jab into his arm seems to knock in some senses.

"Jimin will sleep on the couch," His Dad offers, and you interject.

"Sleeping on the coach will give him muscle cramps in the morning, Jimin has a long day tomorrow, he is not sleeping on the couch."

There's an unnecessary silence that follows afterward and this is exactly why you didn't want your parents to come at all, they were trying to control something that was already part of your routine, only because Jimin's mother doesn't like the idea.

"Then Y/n will sleep there." She says.

"Yeah no, that's not happening," Jimin says with a straight face while shaking his head side to side, "No way."

You gently wrap your arm around your mom. Not liking the mood in the room. Jimin did kind of jinx that the parents will be trying out-of-line things but you have never once thought that the first thing they will try to put their hands on was you and Jimin sleeping in the same room. You have a long day tomorrow and simply were not in a mood for any of this either.

"Can we sort this out tomorrow, I'm pretty sure mommy is tired from her flight." You say while leaning into your mother's embrace.

Jimin looks at his mom, watching the way she crosses her arms," We will sort this out first thing tomorrow."

You watch them walk up the stairs, feeling the irritants flow your veins once you hear the doors and you practically glare at Jimin. He feels your eyes pierce into the side of his head.

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