Chapter 17 : Three minus One*

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Hyejin smiles, feeling Yoongi press herself into her as Taehyung pushes himself in the front. Both of them snore despite her being comfortably squished between the two men.

The curtains waiver due to the large windows being open and the girl can't help but close her eyes again to endure the heat from both bodies but also the feeling of Taehyung's heart thumping against his chest as well the feeling of Yoongi's hand holding her lower stomach.

The sound of rain begins to tap alongside the windows and she takes a deep breath before sighing in relief. Everything will work out after all.


Hyejin gulps as she stares at the men. Her heart was pounding in her chest, practically slamming so hard within her rib cage that she could almost throw up. Taehyung is the first to lick his lips, and once her eyes dance to Yoongi's, he does the same.

A pillow is placed under her hips to elevate her and both men spread her legs, pushing her knees towards her. Taehyung looks at his best friend, before leaning into Hyejin's pussy lips to leave a salivated trail with his tongue on her clip, she gasps at the sensation, and as he suckles on her clit — encouraging her back to arch off of the bed.

Yoongi pushes her stomach down before also leaning in to join the feast.

Her eyes widen at the sight of both men as they push their cheeks together to tongue her down. The feeling of both their tongues as they gently push her clit side to side almost sends her into a down spiral. They feel her legs shake, Yoongi's hand firmly pushes on her stomach and the girl can't help but moan.

"Please," She begs, not knowing what she is begging for, but even she knows that she wants more.

She needs more.

Taehyung hears her plead loud and clear, his left maneuvers its way between Yoongi and himself before pushing in two fingers. A loud gasp leaves Hyejin's lips, heavy breaths following as she tries to endure the sensational feeling that is hitting her chest with a ton of bricks.

She feels Yoongi's hand trickle its way up her abdomen towards her chest. She watches as his fingers wrap themselves around her nipple, gently squeezing before twisting the bud gently. Taehyung feels her walls clench around his fingers, causing him to pull away to kiss her thighs in praise.

His gaze is intense as he moves his arm faster, Yoongi laps at her juices, trying to not break the rhythm as Tae's fingers constantly come into contact with his chin.

But he doesn't care.

A part of him is still in disbelief that he is having a threesome right now, with his best friend and technically ex-girlfriend. This triangle was long overdue but the way Hyejin opened herself up to accept his advances was something he couldn't wrap his mind around.

But hearing her breathy moans, and feeling her legs gently shake as she continuously arches her back while resting her toe-curled foot on his shoulder, Yoongi couldn't help but be happy that he could participate in making her feel good.

The girl that was always taken for granted. He didn't mean to, but then he was naive enough to assume that Hyejin was going to let his behavior slide for the sake of love. But love wasn't enough and Yoongi knows that now. Especially watching how Taehyung graces her skin with so much care.

The man moves his arm faster and Hyejin feels his long fingers push deeper into her, the sloppy sounds fill the room and her eyes begin to roll back.

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