Chapter 13 : Hyejin.

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"I don't want you around him."

"I already told you nothing is going on."

"Yeah well I don't trust him."

"Then what the hell do you expect me to do cause we work together Jimin!" Your chest heaves,"Like we are seriously fighting over stupid shit when we have bigger problems!"

Jimin shakes head, gripping his hair and remaining quiet. He was jealous, first he didn't see you the entire night then the next moment he sees you swimming with him. He doesn't understand since when were you and Jinhyeong so close.

He doesn't know where this name and face even comes from. You've never spoken about at all and yet from the looks of it , the way you two speak clearly you guys had a lot to talk about.

And Jimin doesn't like that. Not one bit. Your eyes tear up as Jimin overthinks, Hyejin is homeless — well sort of. And you don't know what to do. Instead of your boyfriend assisting you, he decides to be petty and you don't have the time for this , not right now.

He watches as you fall silent, walking across the room, you were still wearing your bikini, considering that it was early hours of the morning and the sun was about to rise. You wanted to take a quick shower and nap but you can't help but think about what Hyejin said.

"Okay," He starts,"I don't mean to be like this baby, I got jealous."

You nod, wiping the tears off your cheek and walking towards the bathroom, not even bothering to close the doo behind yourself. You turn on the shower, waiting for the water to get hot whilst you undressed from the wet pieces of material.

"I'm sorry,"

"Okay," You say, removing your earrings before reaching down into the cabinet for wipes.

You gently place the wipe on your eye, gently rubbing it in motions. The bathroom begins to fog up, signalling the hot water, you close your eyes for a second and Jimin walks up behind you , placing each hand beside you before kissing your shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"You're always sorry." You mumble,"Everytime I mention something that bothers me we don't even talk about it. You're instantly sorry. You always avoid conflict and I fucking hate it."

You turn to him, naked,"I was mad about the Solar thing because you being too nice to her grants her the ticket to think that we are over what she has done and we are not."

Everytime you even think about her , your blood boils.

"Nobody said you can't be jealous, but this constant chat of Jinhyeong and me introducing myself as your fiancée makes it seem like you don't trust me. Who cares if they want to shoot their shot? Who cares if they are into me? I'm not into them. I'm into you."

"So why the fuck does it matter?"

You wait for his response but he says nothing.

"I told you to speak to your mother because of how she treats me and you basically said that it's not that deep and I'm overthinking it. I'm telling you someone is mistreating me — and you're telling me I'm overthinking it?"

You walk to the shower, grabbing a red shower cap to slip over your head. You stand under the scorching hot water, body flinching from the heat but not pulling away at all. Jimin watches as your chest slighting turns pink due to the hot water.

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