Chapter Two : Fear

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Yoongi stands by the door of the large place, betting farewell to the people that were now finally leaving. This gala was just way too long for his liking, at the corner of his eyes, Yoongi see's Namjoon make his way comfortably up the flight of stairs.

He groans, heart clenching before smiling to up coming person yet again.

The problem wasn't really the gala itself, but it was the mere fact that he has yet to see his precious girlfriend in so long. He wondered of Hyejin even missed him or was thinking about him the same way he was for her.

Despite their relationship being strong and tight. Both Hyejin and Yoongi can confess that they really weren't the 'blowing up each others phones with I miss yous' couple. So it has somehow created this weird barrier amongst them that sometimes Yoongi struggles to tell the woman how much he misses her.

Yoongi thinks back to earlier when he had found you and Jimin in the bathroom. It was clear as day what you guys were doing when both of you left the room at the same time. But, your hair was also evidence that it did in fact happen.

The man couldn't help but be envious. Jimin was vocal about how much he missed you when the boys spent their nights at the Jeon mansion. He called you every night to tell you to sleep well - simply because he knows that sometimes you struggle to sleep without him.

Hyejin wasn't really the clingy type and nor was Yoongi.

But sometimes he wished that at least one of them were. His mind thinks back to the last night he had with her. Hyejin laid flat on his chest, her curly hair everywhere while she just continued to make jokes.

The cute little nose scrunches she does unconsciously with little to no realisation.

When bits of her hair with tickle his notrils, causing him to sneeze one too many times.

Or when her soft warm breasts would just comfortably be against him while he tried to avoid the feeling of her nipples against him.

But the most important part was her smell, no matter how many times this man tries to avoid it...the scent hits him like a ton of bricks every single time.


Now he really misses her.

The sound of heels fill his ears, and he forces his pout away to put on a fake smile but once he sees you walking towards him, the smile falls.

"Hey, " You pout, " That was mean."

Yoongi flashes you a big sarcastic smile and you can't help but frown. Earlier when Yoongi came to call Jimin, you could just tell that he wasn't okay. The way he spoke was relatively with a negative tone. Maybe you overthought it but then the man needs to deny it.

"What's wrong, " You whine, standing side by side with him.

You hear people making their way towards the door, and you turn to smile. You can only bow at them, finally noticing the crowd within the ball has finally lessoned.

Yoongi listens to talk to the people. A wide grin on your face while a lump forms in the base of his throat.

"Have you seen Hyejin yet, " He whispers.

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