Chapter 15 : Work Bae

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Jimin rushes into the studio, his students lay around on the floor waiting for him. Jimin wasn't really the type to care about being late, especially for lectures and stuff but at this moment regrets it as his eyes spot Bang PD at the corner.

"Good morning everyone, I hope you guys are done stretching — please forgive my lateness, traffic was crazy today."

Which was lie, the man was also never this formal with his students and from the corner of his eyes he sees Whee-in holding in a laugh. He shakes his head at her in attempt to also hide his.

"Traffic can be so bad," Mingi says, "especially when you're driving to city centre."

"Mr Park," Jimin's boss stands,"May I talk to you for a moment?"

Is this the part where I get fired?

Jimin is ushered into a corner, the man in front of him blocking the view completely, Jimin holds his breath and his mind races about all the things that he could've done wrong recently besides the fact that he was late today. All his paperwork is up to date, and so was his class, he always parked at his designated spot so that leaves.... nothing.

Bang PD breaks out a grin and rests his hand on Jimin's shoulder to pull him closer.

"So there is group that's getting ready to debut, and I personally think it may a need another member to just feel complete. And after evaluation day, I really believe this member might come from your class."

Jimins eyes widen, "My class is still not ready- "

"I would understand why you would be hesistant because they are a reflction of your coaching but I feel like I should mention that your dancers are all in the top 20, I just need you to give me your favourite batch,''

Your boyfriend nods in understanding, glancing around the studio to look for Whee-in, she didn't rank first but she was one of the three girls that are in the top 10. The chemistry among the dancers was electric, everybody understood each other and flow was in sync. Jimin didn't really know how he felt nit picking a handful of the dancers and put them in a different environment,

Jimin also wanted to atleast give this insane opportunity to debut to atleast more than student.

"Im willing to give you, but I strongly suggest you take two instead of one."

His boss nods in agreement, "Okay, so send me two girls and two boys, but tell them it will be for backup dancer positions temporarily. Just so they don't get anxiety."

"Got it,"


You're barely in a mood as you walk into the Vogue building. It was roundabout 3pm , and you don't even understand why you were here , instead you are dragged to a massive studio where a photoshoot was happening.

It was truly havoc, cause Rosè was also running around like a headless chicken in attempt to — you don't even know what she is trying to achieve. Jinhyeong watches as you remain dead still in your tracks, not reallly sure where to go and what to do.

You stick out like a sore thumb because you were not dressed up like you usually do. You clearly looked like you were not even planning on coming to work today. Your hair is wavy and long , covering your entire backside as you wore all black with white sneakers. When you push your glasses up with your fingers, Jinhyeong realised that you did your nails.

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