Chapter Twelve : Friendship

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Hyejin walks around, eyes filled with wonder and she looked for you — and yet you were nowhere to be seen. Jimin mentioned leaving you in the kitchen but Hyejin couldn't find you anywhere. She feels like she hasn't been getting a hold of you all day and her problems have been hitting her like crazy.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jisoo asks, walking towards Hyejin while holding hands with Jennie.

Hyejin only glances at their hands for a second, but doesn't question them," Have you seen Y/n?"

" it something with Yoongi?"

She knows Jennie asked that question with pure intentions, but that doesn't stop her from rolling her eyes. Not every problem in the world is equivalent to boy problems. Yes, things were really in a weird place with Yoongi but his behavior is already beyond her control. She already has bigger problems to deal with and she doesn't know what to do.

It's not like she could tell Yoongi, the man is either too busy or too tired to discuss anything with her.

This is so sad actually. Yoongi went out of his way to court Hyejin, to prove to Taehyung that he could easily lose what he doesn't nurture, and yet despite that. Yoongi has now lost her too.

"No...I just need Y/n, "

The woman pushes passed them to continue her venture, Jisoo can only look at the back of her head as she walks away.

"Do you think we should go after her? Help her find Y/n,"

Hyejin's mood swings were really something, and she refuses to open up too. Following her will lead up to a dead end or even a stupid argument because of the alcohol in everyone's system. If Jisoo was going to do a checkup, it will be in the morning — not at a party.

"Let's just go join the boys."

Jimin watches the duo walk in, both girls holding bottles in their hands. Jisoo walks towards Jungkook, gently kicking his leg.

"Can you move? There's no space and Jen and I want to sit here."

Jungkook sips his beer," Just sit on my lap Jisoo."


The large pool had no people, you take the hem of your dress, pulling it over your head to reveal your red bikini. Using the hair tie on your wrist to tie your hair.

You really don't know how to feel about what Jimin did earlier, yeah he wanted to make it clear to Jinhyeong that you were not single, but that didn't mean you had to talk to him in that tone.

"He was just jealous, it's not that deep." You whisper to yourself.

"So he is the possessive type?"

You sit on the inner step of the pool, wetting your shoulders. He really needs to stop doing that. It's actually embarrassing that he keeps catching you talking to yourself.

"I mean... I don't like the word possessive. I'll just say that marking your territory avoids a lot of problems."

That didn't sound well either but it was the only way you would describe the situation anyway. Jinhyeong nods in agreement, his fingers unzipping his pants. You look away almost instantly, not bothering to pay attention to him while looking at the occupied large house behind you. In the corner of your eye, you see Jimin as well as your other friends.

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