Chapter Eight: "Mom"

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After Jimin sent you an Uber home. You arrived and found Hyejin and Jisoo waiting for you patiently inside her Jeep. Which was reasonable as your mother wanted to come along too. The car ride was filled with Jimin's mother asking you wild questions and your mother pestering you about being some kind of housewife.

Jisoo holds in her laughter as Hyejin just ignores everyone while driving to the mall.

"Are you guys having sex?"

"Do you guys use protection?"

"What if Jimin goes on tour?"

"You should start making him a traditional Korean breakfast."

"Invest in a car."

"When are you planning on living on your own."

By the time you get go the mall your ears almost bleed, ready to just evaporate but decide not to as his mother sticks to you like glue the whole time in every store.

Your hands move the dresses one by one, but none of them were catching your attention. Jisoo and Hyejin trail behind you and with careful movement you try and steer clear from your mother and Jimin's mom who were busy laughing and talking while showing each other distasteful dresses for you.

"What about this one?" His mother says, showing you a long sleeve black dress that clearly went to the knees.

The baggy material makes you do a double-take as you wait for her to claim that she is joking. Instead the grown woman holds the dress as it hold onto the hanger for dear life and holding it to your front.

"It will cover your chest, shoulders, knees. It's very modest."

Jisoo snorts while looking at the dress. Hyejin looks at Jisoo and her mouth opens — what she says next makes you laugh right in her face.

"It's giving funeral."

"Why are you girls laughing? I like it."

You let Jisoo take the lead because you refuse to speak. You are not wearing that dress. Not only was it hideous but it was also not your taste. This was something divorced middle-aged women would wear . You're actually trying to get some.

Especially since you couldn't get some last night.

"It doesn't suit Y/n's body type," Jisoo lies.

Hyejin wonders off again, her fingers also finding themselves to different racks of clothes. She grabs a couple of dresses and throws them over her arm. Lately, she has been more on the quiet side, you couldn't pinpoint her behavior because you guys haven't been out in a couple of days.

"You okay?" You say, folding a dress over your arm, "You've been very quiet lately."

She releases a heavy sigh, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Before you can even ask again, Jimin's mother walks up to you holding a few dresses, and gestures you to take them. You glance at your mother for some sort of assistance but she was already holding shoes and walking in your direction.

"I've found my dress." You lie, showing them the blue bodycon dress, you did take a size smaller size for the dress to fit you like a glove.

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