1 - A Lost Soul

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He was the embodiment of a lost soul. The deep blue of his eyes hiding the tormenting past that threatened to overtake him at any moment. Broken. A spirit that was once filled with so much happiness, light and joy torn apart. The pain never stopped. When his mind wasn't being flooded with traumatic flashbacks, he was isolating himself from the world, hiding away where he could just disappear. He didn't feel emotion anymore, his heart a stone, unfeeling, incapable of love. The monster Hydra had created threatened to consume him and his vulnerability only made him more susceptible to their grasp.

His tears ran hot and fast, staining his flushed cheeks and falling from his stubble adorned chin. The voices never stopped. They tore him apart and they were relentless. The echoes of his victims ceased to vacate. Just knowing that he was the reason for all of those deaths shattered him. He balled his fists up, knuckles white with tension, sweat beading loosely on his hairline. Looking down at his bionic arm, the faces came rushing back. The flood of memories imprinted into his mind playing over and over.

Steve had always told him that it wasn't his fault. At the back of his mind Bucky knew that, but he had blood on his hands, and ultimately he was held responsible. The carousel of pain never stopped. Any sense of normality that had been mended was gone.

The passing of Steve Rogers had torn down the protective barriers Bucky had created and sent waves of guilt surging through his already feeble mind.

Bucky stood up begrudgingly and tore out of the room, desperate to escape the vicious thoughts threatening to consume him. His loud, pained strides echoed in all directions, filling the hallway with a buzzing sense of desperation.

His hair whipped behind him as he formed a rhythm, arms and legs moving in perfect harmony. He didn't have a plan as to where he was going, just that he needed to get away, he needed to run, to escape.

He reached the balcony and doubled over, collapsing into an emotional heap on the cold floor. This wasn't living.

He was tucked behind a large ceramic pot, hidden away from the entrance of the balcony.

That's when he saw her.

A petite girl, about 5'4", looking over the balcony railing with her arms crossed delicately. Her shoulder length brown locks curling and winding in the wind and her nose dusted with blush. The moonlight danced across her cheekbones, highlighting the gentle curves of her beautifully sculpted face.

Bucky parted his lips slightly and admired her. She radiated a sense of tranquility that he hungered for. A feeling of peace.

You're a monster. She'd only fear you.

He tilted his head back, making contact with the wall as he shut his eyes slowly.


A piercing ray of golden sunlight danced across Bucky's tear stained face. He squinted as it made contact with his eye, vision foggy and eyelids heavy. "Oh gosh, I was out all night", he muttered to himself under his breath, groaning as the realisation set in. He rolled his eyes back in his head and leaned back on the wall as sleep began to wash over him a second time.

"Hey, you alright?" A soothing voice came from the entrance of the balcony.

The girl.

His eyes flick open, bringing his head forward and squinting to bring the girl into focus. "Me? Oh umm yeah I was uhh just," he starts, scratching the back of his neck but then quickly gesturing to the view ahead "admiring the sunrise." "Beautiful isn't it?" He yawned, turning his head away quickly, his cheeks flushing a deep pink.

"Yeah, yeah it is." The girl chuckled. "Hey, last night I saw you, I was worried, you looked a bit...scared." Her expression softened, eyes filling with empathy.

Bucky was taken aback by her words, he breathed in sharply before exhaling "I'm okay, just needed some fresh air", he muttered, drawing his attention away from the girl.

Looking out at the sky, he wondered what it was like to live a life knowing you had a purpose. To live a life of value and meaning. His eyes glazed over as he was whisked away by his thoughts yet again.

The girl crossed her arms and rocked back on the balls of her feet, tilting her head up and peering down at Bucky through squinted eyes.

"Yeah all right, I've heard that one a million times. What's up?" She cocked her head to the side, the corners of her mouth turning upwards into a small grin. He shuddered, a wave of shivers sent through his body as he ran a shaky hand through his hair.

"Errrrr, nothing?" He answered almost inaudibly, staring at his hands, flesh and metal. He had a leather glove on his left arm which struck the interest of the girl.

"What's with the glove mystery man?" She teased, leaning forward, rubbing her hands together excitedly. "It's nothing," Bucky whispered, shoving his hand behind his back and glancing up at the girl, her brown eyes locking with his icy blue ones for a fraction of a second. She had the expression of a curious puppy, joyful and innocent.

The girl radiated a certain warmth that Bucky had never felt before. For so long he had been alone, trapped, a prisoner. But somehow, somewhere, within the tattered remains of his damaged heart, he felt a sliver of happiness. A warm sensation in his chest that gently flowed out through his body.

"I'm Bucky," he smiled slowly at the ground.

"Hazel," the girl gestured to her chest, grinning down at the brunette. She glanced over at her watch before furrowing her brows and bringing her attention back to the man that sat in front of her.

"Hey, I just came out to see if you were alright, I really should get going because I have a shift in an hour, but I'll see you around...Bucky." She spread her hands out in front of her and grinned.

Bucky lifted his chin tentatively and replied quickly, his eyes flicking between the ground and Hazel "Yeah, yeah that would be great." He forced a small smile.

"Okay, catch you later," the words had barely left her lips before she rushed out the door, leaving Bucky alone with his thoughts buzzing.

He stood up begrudgingly before making his way back to his room. A small smile spread across his face - no one had ever seen past his threatening exterior like she did.


Author's Note

Hi! Thanks so much for reading the first chapter to my new book! I'm really excited to see where this story is going to go! :)

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