15 - Possible Repercussions

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*Set in a world where Tony, Nat, Pietro, Vision and Loki are alive and happy*

"Clint, close the damn cupboard!" Wanda hissed from the kitchen, her voice reverberating through the complex. Clint walked through the hallway almost on cue and flinched at her call, eyes as wide as saucers.

"Woah, woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed," he threw his hands up in defence and backed away from Wanda.

"No, you just left the doors open," Wanda flicked her wrist up, a red glow swarming around her palm and whipping the doors shut, all while she maintained eye contact with Clint. "Close them next time," she knitted her brows together and walked out of the kitchen, arms moving gracefully from side to side as she took long strides and turned a corner, disappearing into her room.

"Geez," Clint muttered, dipping a spoon into his coffee and stirring it slowly as he rolled his eyes and sighed.

His moment of peace was quickly crushed, as Tony snuck up behind him and rubbed his hands together mischievously, slowly reaching his arms out
"Morning sunshine!" He yelled loudly, slapping two hands onto Clint's shoulders and shaking him.

"Shit!" Clint jumped and knocked his mug over abruptly. He whipped his head around to the grinning man behind him, scowling at his presence.

"Oh, better be careful Legolas, that's a bad language word," Tony wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and slapped Clint's shoulder twice, aggravating him further.

"Now, I have a very important question of the rhetorical variety; you and Wanda were meant to check up on our dear friend down the street, yes?" He sat down next to Clint, stretching both arms out on the table and clasping his hands together as he spoke. Clint turned sheepishly to Tony and cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, uh, about that."

"Oh, don't crush my spirits now Katniss, we were off to such a great start," Tony pouted, sarcasm lacing his condescending expression.

"Barnes' apartment block is a high security complex." He took a sharp breath in, "we couldn't get in. Sorry Tony. I haven't spoken to Sam since last week, but the last time we chatted, he said Bucky had made contact with him, so that's a start." He shrugged and stood up, walking over to the roll of paper towel situated on the bench and ripping off a large square.

"Great." Tony massaged his head frustratedly and then held a hand out in question. "So what do you suppose we do now?" He raised both eyebrows.

"I don't know Tony, this was your dumb idea," Clint placed the paper towel onto the marble bench top, the thin material soaking up the large puddle of coffee. He pushed the sheet over the spill and picked it up, discarding it into the bin before ripping off another piece to wipe away the excess moisture.

He cleared his throat, "the thing is, Tony, if Barnes doesn't want help, then we can't force it on him."

"Sure we can," Tony rested his chin on his closed fist and smiled. Clint stopped in his tracks and raised an eyebrow, lips drawing into a line.

"You and I both know that's not true," he slapped the towel down onto the table, sliding it over the shiny surface and then throwing it into the bin.

"He just needs time. He's been through hell Tony, he needs space."

"He needs therapy," Tony murmured, attracting the attention of a housemate.

"You know, sometimes it's better to keep your thoughts to yourself Stark," a red headed woman strode into the room, her arms moving in perfect sync with her precise footing as she made her way towards the cupboard. "I agree with Clint," she opened the cupboard. "he needs time," Natasha scanned the contents of the shelves and then settled on a packet of crackers, before closing the doors and turning to face Clint, who only shrugged and crossed his arms.

"Well aren't we just the eves-dropping-delight Miss Romanoff," Tony hissed.

"Please, it's not like you were exactly whispering," she replied, her husky voice thick with sass as she adjusted her stance to face the man.

"Give him a few more weeks, then we can try again." Natasha moved to sit next to Tony as she bit into a cracker, sending small crumbs onto the table.

Clint's eyes widened and he fumed as he watched the mess of crumbs sprinkle over the table. He slammed his hands down on the bench, his patience wearing away at lightning speed.

"Plate Natasha!" He yelled, his face red with pure rage. All he'd wanted to do this morning was drink a hot cup of coffee and watch TV, but nope. Instead he'd been yelled at by an angry Sokovian, surprised by Tony, spilt his coffee and now Natasha was messing up the spot he cleaned only minutes earlier.

He sucked in a breath and shook his head, "can't do this, need more sleep," he stormed off in a huff.

"Pfft what's his problem," Tony chuckled but quickly changed his expression when he noticed Natasha staring him down.

"And might I add, you're looking especially ravishing today Natas..."

"Don't think buttering me up will get me to comply with your requests Stark." Natasha leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms and tilting her chin up so she stared down at Tony through squinted eyes. He slouched and cupped his head in his hands.

"Look. You know I'm not doing this out of spite. I'm only trying to help the guy." He lied partially.

"Yeah. That and the fact that you're trying to cover your arrogant ass too," Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Okay, when you put it that way I sound like a terrible person." Tony slammed his hand down on the table and stared up at Natasha.

"I'm not doing it to cover my ass. I'm doing it because the guy needs help and, yes, maybe I'm a bit worried about the potential assumptions that might be made by the press if Barnes is seen in public but how can you blame me!" He breathed out heavily.

"After everything that happened with the bombing in Vienna.."

"Oh for goodness sake can you let the damn incident go! He's a free man and we both know the bombing wasn't him. He's an Avenger and he deserves a fresh start, so can you just try and see through that thick ego of yours for one measly second so we can actually put Bucky - a human being - before your reputation which, might I add, isn't exactly spotless." Natasha finished, leaving Tony's mouth agape. He opened and closed his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

"Fine, we'll put your precious Bucky first. Go ahead Romanoff, do what you wish." He leaned in so his eyes were level with Natasha's. "I am not being held responsible for any repercussions," he spoke lowly, a muscle in his jaw twitching.

"Okay Stark," Natasha smiled warmly, almost patronisingly, before a stern expression washed over her face and she tilted her head "What if it wasn't Bucky in this situation? What if it was Peter, what if it was Morgan?" She let the question brew for a few seconds before continuing, a dark hue filling her eyes as she lowered her voice.

"You and I both know you wouldn't care about quote unquote repercussions," she made air quotation marks and then lowered her hands again, pressing a fist firmly against the table. "As much as you'll always deny it," she brought her gaze back up to Tony, "it's because it's him."

"Repercussions my ass, deep down you know it's because..." she stopped and pondered quickly over the possible consequences that could surface from the sentence she was about to utter. Forget it.

She cleared her throat, reconstructing the phrase in her head. "The Winter Soldier was an assassin, yes. But that wasn't Bucky. You need to realise that he's a victim. Even after almost being killed by you in Siberia, he still fought by our side against Thanos. He could've chosen to go anywhere, he could've chosen to run away and never be involved in anything like that again. But no. Instead he stuck with us, and he fought alongside the people that once him imprisoned." "Just think about it Tony."

Natasha stood up and walked off, her mind buzzing furiously.


Author's Note

TFATWS is getting so close ahhh! Also I'm so excited for the WandaVision finale omgggg

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