5 - I Miss You

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The whole walk back to his apartment, Bucky couldn't stop thinking about the note. He just wanted a friend. He needed company, someone to confide in. He just couldn't stand being alone anymore. He worried he'd been too forward, and that maybe even thanking her could scare her off.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, taking a deep breath in and closing his eyes. It was a crisp winter's night and he could feel the tip of his nose shivering in the sharp wind. Bucky pulled his hoodie up over his nose and stuffed his hands into his pockets, letting out a sigh when they warmed up.

As he walked he went out of his way to step on every crunchy leaf he saw. He may have been over 100 years old, but he still tried to find enjoyment in the little things.

He chuckled silently as he tiptoed carefully through the fallen leaves, feeling at peace for the first time since yesterday morning. He spotted a pile of leaves and his eyes lit up as he proceeded to run and jump straight into them, his low laughter echoing through the street. He went to stand up but slipped backwards, falling back into his little pile of leaves.

Bucky spread his limbs out and breathed in deeply, looking up into the sky with a small smile. The constellations left him in awe and reminded him of someone close to his heart.

"I wish you were here Steve, I miss you, I really miss you punk," he whispered as he gazed up at the beautiful stars. Tears formed around the corners of his eyes as he was overcome by emotions.

"I have no one, you were all I had. Gosh I miss you. But... but it's okay, I know I'll see you again one day, until then just...just hang on...okay?" He finished, his lips barely moving now, tears slowly running down the sides of his cool cheeks.

"I'll be okay, I promise." He smiled weakly and sniffed, letting his emotions wash over him. The feeling was bittersweet, happiness tinged with deep sadness.

After a few lengthy minutes, Bucky finally got to his feet and began walking back to his apartment, stopping every now and then to admire the environment around him.

He was looking forward to seeing Hazel again tomorrow...that is if she got the note. But he was terrified at the same time.

Hydra had created him to be a bloodthirsty killing machine and here he was jumping in leaves and just trying to establish a friendship to keep him going.

When Steve passed, Bucky felt as if the whole world crumbled around him. He'd lost his best friend, his other half, his everything. He sat next to Steve's lifeless body for hours just clutching his hand, stroking it with his thumb as he listened to the painful beeping sound of the monitor and watched the small lines drag across the screen.

The once actively moving lines came to a stand still.

A flat line.


The nurses attempted to usher him out of the room several days later but he refused.

He'd sat there for 3 days just talking to him. "I don't know what I'm gonna do Steve," He had said in between tears. "You were all I had left, I don't know if I can do this."
"Please say something, anything.. Call me a jerk, call me anything you want, I just need to hear your voice."

But Steve never responded.

Bucky's blue eyes glazed over as he was pulled into yet another deep collection of thoughts. He was so consumed by them that he didn't even realise he'd arrived at his apartment block. He took deep, steady breaths and made his way up the stairs and into the building.

As he walked, he took note of the intricate patterns on the walls and carpets, but what caught his attention was the Captain America plaque at the end of the southern hallway.
His mouth fell agape.

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