25 - Hold On

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It was a piercing morning. Thick frost coated the windshields of every car Hazel walked past. The climate had been rather uncomfortable over the past few days, with little to no sunshine present, and heavy snow drowning the streets in a fluffy white powder. Driving had become a major hazard and people were encouraged to walk to and from work where possible. Even within the short timeframe of walking from her apartment to work, Hazel slipped about 10 times, just barely catching herself. She cursed under her breath and turned her head, surveying the slick ground beneath her vigilantly as she took steady strides.

"I miss summer," she breathed out, a thin stream of mist blossoming from her lips, swirling around in a growing cloud before quickly swimming into the air above her.

She shivered and brought her chin to her chest, shoving her hands into her pockets and holding her arms as close to her body as possible. A distant wail sounded from the end of the street, tires skidding harshly as the sound grew louder and more urgent. Hazel craned her head over to discern where the vehicle was coming from, a fierce breeze grazing her skin, causing her cheeks to flush. The wail blared through the street, reverberating off the shops and cars, filling the environment with an unsettling sense of urgency. The slick concrete caused the vehicle to swerve momentarily, Hazel's heart dropping as she watched it turn. It regained its steady path and sped past her, the wind whipping her hair backwards in a tousled arc.

Just as quickly as the siren had disappeared, it returned, this time making her heart drop as it drove in the direction of the cafe. Her heart was in her throat as she watched the vehicle with parted lips. It stopped a couple streets up from the cafe and the siren died down. Hazel's eyes flicked to the destination and she noticed a small area marked off with police tape.

In a hurry she bolted to the vehicle, making sure to stay attentive as she sped over the icy ground. As she rushed to the scene, her mind was buzzing and her heart was aching. Even though it probably was nothing to be worried about, there was a pit in her stomach that gnawed away at her. She blinked a couple of times and breathed out deeply as she neared the scene. After a quick scan, she noticed a single silver car with a door open and a dented headlight. It wasn't a harsh dent, it looked more like it had hit something small, something light enough to prevent significant damage.

"Can everybody give her some space!" A paramedic yelled and held his arms out, approaching the growing crowd and ushering away bystanders. Hazel's eyes flicked to a woman standing next to the scene, her face lifeless and skin as pale as the snow she stood on. Her expression dropped and she walked towards the woman slowly, subtly craning her head over to where the car was.

That was when her heart stopped.

On the ground lay a girl.

About Hazel's age.

With Blonde hair, a teal hoodie, blue jeans and grey converse.

Her body was disfigured, with one elbow bending the wrong way as though it had been twisted, limbs strewn out unnaturally across the concrete and head bruised with purples and blues spanning out across pale skin.


As she stared at the lifeless body in front of her, Hazel's lip began quivering uncontrollably, jaw dropping open and eyes crinkling at the corners as cool tears pooled violently on her waterline.

"Oh my gosh," she choked out, bringing two shaky hands to her mouth as tears began to fall freely from her eyes.

The whole world stopped.

There was no longer sound.

There was no longer movement.

There was only Ally.

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