4 - An Unexpected Visitor

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"What? Who the hell is Bucky?" Ally said a bit too loudly.

The brunette turned his head at the sound of his name and stared Ally down, his hair swinging gently against his cheeks. Her eyes flicked away from the man quickly and she was met with the fuming face of a VERY mad Hazel Wood.

He continued to inspect the girl who had just yelled out his name. He came to the conclusion that he was probably hearing things and shrugged quickly before focussing his attention back to the front of the cafe. In that moment, Hazel felt her heart rate skyrocket and then plummet just as quickly.

"Why would you do that?!" Hazel whisper yelled.

"He's kinda cute," Ally started, paying zero attention to Hazel's previous question. She opened her mouth to speak again before Hazel cut her off. "Don't. Don't do that ever again okay. He's not cute and I don't know him alright, that's the end of it."

"But you said,"

"Ally, enough. I'm in pain okay please just patch me up so I can go serve the poor guy."

"Oh yeah whoops I forgot about that whole customer service part. Wait, why do you have to serve him? There's like 3 other people here trained in taking orders."

"Yeah well unfortunately they're having another break because their privileged asses can't lift a single damn finger to help out a cripple." Hazel massaged her forehead, sighing. She lifted her head up to be met with a very confused Bucky wandering around the cafe looking for a staff member.

"Hey, sorry I'll be right with you," Hazel yelled to the man, catching his attention before earning a firm nod and tight smile from him.

Ally smirked at the interaction before leaning into Hazel and grinning like an idiot at her "seeeeeee, cute," she said.

"Not happening," Hazel gave her a sarcastic smile before patting her cheek twice and getting up. "Thanks Al, still hurts but feels heaps better."

"Aye, what would you do without me," Ally gestured to her chest, smiling.

"I don't know, I probably wouldn't be humiliated as much," Hazel retorted, crossing her arms and tilting her head up with a grin before walking off to serve the man.

"Behave yourself," Ally teased.

Hazel spun back around to her friend smirking and gesturing toward the door. "Honey If you can't keep your inappropriate remarks to yourself I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Just serve the poor guy," Ally rolled her eyes.

Hazel winked before turning and walking over to the counter.

"Hey, I'm so sorry for the delay, what can I get you?" She spoke in a cheery voice.

"Just a black coffee thanks," the man responded politely.

"Woah, no milk? I could never." Her eyes widened at his request.

"Yeah, I'm weird like that," he chuckled and shook his head. "Hey, you're Hazel, right?" His expression softened as he attempted to hold eye contact with her but failed after 3 seconds. Her eyes were beautiful.

"Yeah, Bucky?" She spoke quietly.

He smiled and nodded a little over enthusiastically before regretting his actions and staring at the ground, his cheeks reddening almost immediately. Hazel noticed his change in mood and quickly started talking again to break the tension.

"So, just a black coffee Bucky?" His ears pricked up at the sound of his name coming from her mouth.

"Yeah, just that thanks," he replied, fiddling with his hands as she popped open the cash register. A thought entered Hazel's mind and a smile crept across her face before she closed the register again.

"I'll bring it out to you in a second." She said, smiling ear to ear.

"But, I haven't payed yet," Bucky glanced up at her, confused.

"It's on me," she swatted the air in front of her.

"Oh, thanks. Thankyou. Hazel." He stuttered, nodding and walking to sit down at a table.

Hazel watched him and smiled.

5 minutes later she came out to Bucky with his coffee and set it down gently at his table, meeting his beautiful blue eyes.

"Do you wanna do something?" He whispered under his breath.

"Sorry?" Hazel replied, unable to hear him.

Bucky's mind was racing so fast, he could see and hear a million things at once. He wanted to repeat himself, but when he opened his lips to speak, no sound came out.

He froze up completely, beads of sweat forming at his hairline. He ran a steady hand through his hair and cleared his throat.

"I just said thankyou," he said with a quick smile.

"Oh, anytime!" Hazel grinned. "Enjoy your day, Bucky." She turned away quickly and walked back to the counter.

She spent the next 10 minutes serving customers and glancing over at Bucky every now and then. It made her happy to see him comfortable outside of his apartment. She remembered just how shaken up he was this morning, it broke her heart.

When he finally got up to leave his seat, he scribbled something on a napkin before quickly fetching a few coins from his wallet and placing them neatly in a pile over the napkin. He nodded and then placed his cap back on his head, making his way out of the cafe.

Hazel waited until he was out of sight to pick up the note. His writing was messy but beautiful. It read;

Thanks for talking to me.

She looked up straight in front of her and held the note to her heart, smiling warmly.

So she didn't imagine it, when he whispered.

"Oi, miss head over heels, look at me omg," Ally slammed her fist on the table, breaking Hazel from her trance.

"How long have you been there?!" She yelled in response, shoving the note into her pocket.

"Um, remember when I, ya know, saved your ass?"

Hazel face palmed. "I am SO sorry."

"Pfft it's alright, you guys are cute anyways," she said shrugging as she stood up and handed Hazel's bag to her.


"You heard me," Ally teased, bumping her hip against Hazel's. "Cuuuuuutiesssssss," she sung as she swung the door open and clicked her tongue, winking. "Cya tomorrow!"

"Bye genius," Hazel laughed, waving and shaking her head.

She pulled the note back out of her pocket and read it over about 5 times.

"You're welcome," she whispered and chuckled.

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