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"Hang on (Y/n)" says The Doctor as you all head to the console room the next morning. The others look back curiously but continue ahead.

You follow her to the medbay where you tense at the memories. She walks to a cabinet then sonics it for a full ten seconds before it clicks open and she picks a white bottle, closing the cabinet with just as much fuss. You feel this may be deliberate.

"Take a couple of these." She says handing you two blue painkillers. She must have noticed you were still in pain, you just hoped she was still under the impression it was due to cramps.

You knock them back without a second thought, catching her surprised look when you're done.

"No water?" She asks.

Losing patience, you reply curtly.

"I'm well trained" you say, then lead the way back to the others.

"What's wrong with you?" Demands Missy and you smile calmly.

"You want it alphabetically or chronologically?" You mutter under your breath, realising too late that 75% of the people on this ship would've heard you.

You refuse to meet any of their eyes as The Doctor spins a dial and you take off. The journey is full of the usual havoc and you find yourself wincing as you exert your muscles and bother your injuries, especially the ones on your legs, though not as deep as your wrists.

When you eventually stop you are endlessly grateful and have to take a second to regain composure. As a result you are the last out onto the springy moss ground. Heavenly scents engulf you and you breathe in the deep plum coloured trees, mixed with varying shades of green. They are absolutely beautiful, but they aren't what had your attention now.

"Wow" says Yaz and you feel the same way. This planet's sun is huge and low on the horizon, creating an ethereal light over the deep forest. She takes a step to her left and you find that was exactly the way you were planning on going. Something in that direction was calling you.

You walk a couple of paces with Yaz before you feel your mind flood with nauseating warmth that is extremely addictive.

"Yaz, babe wait a second for me" laughs The Doctor but Yaz ignores her.

"Where is everyone?" Asks Jenny, and it's then that you realise the forest is completely silent.

You begin to walk away with Yaz.

"(Y/n) hold on" says Missy seriously but you ignore her too.

You walk forward with Yaz, feeling a dull glaze over your senses as you are pulled in the same direction.

"Will you two wait!" Calls The Doctor but neither of you stop.

"Doctor there's something wrong" utters Jenny, catching up and waving a hand in front of your face.

You barely blink.

She takes your arm, and despite your fear of contact and stinging fresh wounds, you feel nothing.

"Come on, back in the Tardis, now" says The Doctor sternly.

Recognising danger, you and Yaz break into a sprint in the same direction.

"Shit!" Yells Missy but you're gone.

You run with deep purpose towards the calling, mind empty except for your goal. You feel heat and happiness awaiting you, and you're getting closer, and closer, you can almost feel it-


You are sent sprawling to the ground and feel someone pinning you down.

You shake and snarl but they hold you fast. Looking up you see only concern in The Doctor's eyes but you are furious.

"Doctor I've got Yaz!" Yells Jenny somewhere to your right, and The Doctor breathes.

"Ok I've got (Y/n), Missy come and hold her, I'll get Yaz" she calls back. She rolls off you and you try to run, but Missy pushes you over and straddles you.

"Oh no you don't" she teases, placing your hands above your head. You try to roll her off you but she's too strong.

She laughs at your attempts and you scowl.

In the corner of your eye you see Jenny release Yaz and The Doctor scoop her up. She's also putting up a resistance.

"Let me go!" You spit but she only smirks.

"Sorry, no can do, you're a little cuckoo right now my love." With that she shifts her weight and lifts you into her arms in one movement.

"Let me GO" you scream but she doesn't let up.

"Please I need to reach it! It's mine!" You shriek and she pauses briefly.

"Oh you're kidding me" says The Doctor soon enough, and you sense her displeasure as she finally stops.

"I'm sorry Doctor I think she dematerialised" confesses Jenny guiltily. Missy rights you and you stand, ready to make a break for it. You try but Jenny grabs your other arm.

"This is bad" she says, struggling with you fighting them off. Their Time Lord grips are strong however.

"Whatever has happened to the life here, it's affecting them, maybe because they're human, anyway, we need to keep an eye on them." States The Doctor, still gripping Yaz tightly.

"How" gasps Jenny as you flail and throw yourself around.

"We're going to have to tie them up for their own safety" sighs The Doctor, doing so with an equally determined Yaz.

Missy and Jenny lower you to the floor while you continue to scream, and tie you hands behind your back then to the same tree as Yaz.

At one point you try to bite Missy who chuckles and taps you lightly on the nose. All three women step back as you and Yaz continue to struggle.

"This doesn't feel right" says Jenny in a troubled voice .

"I'm sorry love but it's this or risk them getting hurt, I don't know what's luring them but I doubt it can be good" The Doctor frowns back.

"They'll be fine, just let them calm down a bit, meanwhile, you can explain to me exactly where The Tardis has gone." Missy growls rounding on an impertinent Doctor.

"We need to get to the source" you and Yaz say together in monotonous unison, but you are not at all surprised, it feels natural.

Everything still feels blurry and translucent.

The women look down at you in confusion.

"Spooky" comments Missy raising a brow.

"What did you say?" Asks The Doctor, coming and kneeling in front of you.

"It's so beautiful, why won't you let us see it?" says Yaz sadly and you nod in agreement.

"It's waiting for us, I will gladly give her my life." You say dreamily and she recoils.

All three women look suitably stunned, and silence descends.

"I guess we're camping here tonight" mutters Missy finally.

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