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You are aware of Tosh staring at you accusingly as you walk into the main chamber. Gwen looks carefully expressionless.

Only Yaz and Jenny offer tentative smiles which you don't return. You feel like you're on trial.

Missy leads you down into a white medical area where you stop as you spot Owen lying on a table, blank faced but blinking.

"Oh god" you say, hand to your mouth, legs feeling weak as Missy squeezes your other hand tightly.

"It's alright my love you're not in trouble, we just need your help." She says clearly but you can barely hear her.

As you look down at the man he struggles against his binding and opens his mouth in a drawn out scream.

"I SAID KILL ME, KILL ME!" He bellows and you step back into the wall.

Previously bent over a screen, The Doctor soothes him fruitlessly as Jack stands a distance away, staring accusingly at you.

You feel tentative hatred and fear emmnating from Gwen and Tosh's usually mild thoughts, mixed with other feelings you really can't pick out right now.

Missy doesn't blame you, and neither does The Doctor. Her thoughts are carefully focused. She sighs and looks up,

"Ok (Y/n) here's the problem." The Doctor says straight and you are grateful she isn't beating about the bush.

"His mind is restless and in pain. Whatever you did to him, he can't move on. I need you to reverse it" she says gently and you stare at her.

"I don't know how" you say in fear and she nods at Jack as if proving something

"I thought you might say that, and I have a solution. You gave him negative emotions, yes?" She asks as though asking how you take your tea. You nod.

"Could you try giving him positive ones?" She questions and you look at her blankly.

"I still don't know what I'm doing, it could go wrong..." you say and she nods again understandingly.

"We really need you to try." She asks and you have to agree.

"Ok... well I'm going to need positive emotion." You start unsurely and she smiles calmly.

"Lucky for you, I have a supply of positive thoughts." She says which shifts her inner narrative to Yaz of course.

"Just tell me what to do. Then do exactly what you did before, just in reverse" she soothes and you swallow.

"Ok... come here" you say and she steps forward. You approach a distressed Owen together and you look back at her, scared.

"Think happy" you say, raising your fingers to her temples, as physical contact was apparently more effective.

She closes her eyes as you rest your fingertips on her warm skin and you feel all other thoughts around you go silent as you are pulled into a world of happiness and peace.

It feels like a flame in a dark room, for there are definitely things hidden in the corner that she didn't want you to see.

Focusing, you allow her positive energy to flow through you too, and reach out a hand tentatively towards Owen.

Missy places your hand on his arm and you push the energy from The Doctor to Owen, using yourself as a beacon.

The Doctor screws up her face with concentration and you relax into the warm sensation. You haven't felt this sort of peace in a long time.

Just when you think it's working; you are made aware the connection is loosening, and your eyes snap open as The Doctor collapses forward, caught by Missy at the last moment. Sweeping dizziness envelops you moments after and you too drop, but Jack catches you and lowers you onto the floor next to The Doctor, neither of you able to open your eyes.

There is a loud and sudden gasp from above, and you can hear Owen panicking as he awakes with Jack soothing him.

He seems to calm down and regulate his breathing for his normal broody expression is back shortly, only it's definitely in shock.

"Come on old friend wake up" says Missy cheerily, and you open your eyes slightly to see her lightly patting The Doctor's face. Yaz throws herself to her knees next to the Time Lady and anxiously strokes her face.

The Doctor blinks and opens her eyes properly, looking like she had a killer headache. If she felt anything like you, she probably did.

You meet her eye and she smiles and nods. You lay back before Jenny appears above you, pulling you gently to your feet and wiping dust off you.

"Well that was... interesting" says The Doctor shakily and you nod.

"Are you ok babe?" Says Yaz and The Doctor smiles, leans across, and kisses her full on the lips.

"Oh get a room" says a disgruntled Missy but you think it's sweet.

"Yeah well I'm glad you lot had fun" says Owen sitting up and catching your eye.

"Owen... I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happen." You say semi-honesty. He rolls his eyes.

"Next time just say you don't want a snog" he says. You exchange brief grins but then you feel someone's thoughts hit you like a wrecking ball and turn to look.

"Doctor, Missy!" You yell and both The Doctor and Jack tackle a raging Missy to the ground.

"You little... you kissed her...HOW DARE YOU?!" she screams underneath her trap.

Of course, what you weren't able to hear were Jenny's thoughts as she crosses the room and slaps him hard across the face. She then turns on her heel and exits, leaving you all shocked and Owen wincing in fresh pain.

"Stop it all of you!" Yells The Doctor and you are grateful. Owen surely couldn't take any more of this.

They pull Missy out the medbay, leaving you and Owen alone with Tosh and Gwen. Jack arrives back moments later looking extremely ruffled.

"I'm sorry about that, I didn't know they'd react so badly." You rush out and Owen rubs his face.

"You kissed her?" Asks Gwen in disbelief and she looks a little hurt. You are beyond confused as Tosh too looks upset.

"Well I think he paid for it" says Jack, unbelievably fighting back a smile.

"You told us The Doctor hated violence" he mutters moodily. "Then I get attacked by three women in one day."

"Don't make me make it four" threatens Gwen and you smile a little.

"Is it always like this here?" You ask and Jack nods.

"Get used to it sweetheart." He winks and you roll your eyes.

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