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"Jenny" you breathe and she smiles, but it quickly disappears.

"What happened?" She asks worriedly, watching The Doctor wrap several bandages around your arms.

"The Tardis wouldn't let me through the doors to get real friendly with space" you say with an eye roll and a wince.

All three women look at you incredulously and you drop your grin.

"Well are you alright?" She asks and you nod reassuringly.

"You came back" you say breathlessly.

"Always, listen I'm sorry, it's just, it's hard to watch someone you- well someone struggle, and I just lost it." She admits ashamedly and your smile returns.

"It's ok, I think I need to apologise for putting you though all that stress honestly" you say and she shrugs.

So long as your safe by the end, that's all that matters." She says and you sigh.

"I do try." You say looking at all three of them. "I'm sorry for what I put you all through." You say with a heavy heart.

Missy and Jenny jump to reassure you but The Doctor holds back.

"If you really were sorry, you wouldn't keep hurting yourself" she says evenly and everyone goes silent.

"I didn't ask Missy to bring me here" you say and she shakes her head, finishing your bandage.

"I wish you would see your own value (Y/n)" she mutters and you lie back and close your eyes.

Her picture of you as you are at the moment is deep and remorseful, as is Missy's, but you still can't see Jenny. You frown and try to catch anything, finally opening your eyes and staring her down. She looks a little bemused.

"Oh this is ridiculous" you say flopping back.

"What is it?" Asks The Doctor curiously.

"I still can't hear Jenny! At all, she's completely silent." You say and Jenny looks at The Doctor, perplexed.

"Um, why is that?" She asks disconcertingly.

"Eye of the storm maybe? (Y/n) got her abilities from you after all, maybe that makes you somehow immune?" She therorises, eventually trailing off to think about Yaz. You raise your eyebrows at her and she flushes slightly.

"Ooh Doctor that's a fantastic colour" teases Missy and it feels good to laugh.

"Stop it" she says, blush deepening.

"Anyway" she clears her throat while you all giggle. "It's just a theory, but we could always test it? If you're up for it?" She asks you. You think, slightly worried. Your abilities up until now were just slightly inconvenient or annoying, if insightful. Now however you could do damage, and that thought scared you.

"It might help you understand yourself better?" says Missy softly and you feel she knows exactly what you are thinking.

Resigned to the worst, you nod unsurely.

"Great, off to Cardiff then" says The Doctor, but she frowns when she sees you rising. "No I didn't mean just yet" she says going to put you back.

"(Y/n) she's got a point, much as I hate to admit when she's right." mutters Missy and Jenny nods.

"Oh come on I'm fine, let's go." You say impatiently sliding off the bed.

This would have been a little more convincing if at that moment you hadn't had a sudden dizzy spell and stumbled hitting the wall.

The Doctor pulls you upright, looking ready to pick you up and place you in the bed.

"Just a headrush, I lost a bit of blood" you brush off. Realising none of the women are believing you, you turn and stalk out the medbay. You half expect them to restrain you but are glad when they sigh and follow, meeting a very confused Yaz in the console room.

"Where have you been?" She asks and The Doctor squeezes her hand.

"Nothing to worry about babe" she says smoothly and flicks some dials, shooting you occasional glances. You grab a pillar and hold on with all your strength. Your right arm is sore and basically useless as it hurts to tense, luckily Jenny grabs you several times to stop you from falling before you land with a huge crash that sends you into her arms.

You blush and right yourself as she does the same. The Tardis' smug tone is really bothering you. Stupid omniscient blue box. You glare at her when The Doctor passes to open the door.

"She's not wrong" she mutters with a sly grin and you gasp furiously as she laughs, leading Yaz out by the hand.

You follow them out and step out into... well Cardiff. You've never been but it's the same typical UK setting.

"(Y/n) put this on" says The Doctor, thrusting her long coat at you. You throw it on, finding it is still warm and covers you well.

"Should I question or no?" Asks Missy, and The Doctor answers.

"Technically (Y/n) died, it was far away and more than three years ago but it's better to be safe." She confirms and you see her point.

Missy looks quietly perplexed.

"Thanks for telling me" she says with a smile which you return.

"Jenny brought me back. It's a long story." You say, gazing at Jenny who looks down at you happily. You really wish you could stop blushing.

At that moment a strong and tall man with brown hair and matching eyes approaches, face lined, and wearing a long military coat of his own. It suits him, but he doesn't look like he's from this century.

"PC Khan" he announces with a cheeky salute "always an honour." She smiles and shakes his hand. So they've met before.

You watch their comfortable reunion carefully, and The Doctor seems genuinely happy to see him,

"13 looks good on you" he comments. "not quite as sexy as 10 but I appreciate the curves" he adds in a stage whisper, earning himself a perfect eye roll.

"Behave" she sighs with a grin and he smiles, looking over at you three.

He seems relatively safe but your fear of men kicks in, fueled by the fact that you are receiving no hints about what he is thinking.

His mind is completely silent.

You take a step back and feel two hands on your back, one from Jenny and one from Missy, steadying you wordlessly.

And suddenly you realise... that you aren't afraid anymore.

No doubt your foresight helps, but still you you know that none of your Tardis family would ever lay a violent hand on you. You smile to yourself and know no one has noticed. Baby steps.

"Jack this is (Y/n) and Jenny." She continues to introduce and he nods in a friendly way, shaking Jenny's hand. "My daughter" she adds and Jack pauses, deciding after a second not to question it.

You keep your distance.

"And this is Missy" she finishes.

He frowns, looking puzzled.

"You'll probably know me better as the Master" she winks.

Looking horrified, he pulls out a gun from his holster and points it squarely in her face.

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