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"You're not going to take my happy now are you?" You tease and Missy looks at you out the corner of her eye.

"What have you done my love" she says with a disapproving chuckle before proceeding.

You pout and Jenny sighs. "What are those things?"

She tries to reach for your neck again but you lean so far back you would've fallen over if Missy hadn't had such a strong grip on you.

"Come on you, we need to sort this out" smiles Missy, booping you gently on the nose. You smile and try to bite her finger so she boops you again.

"I'm going to call The Doctor, have you got her?" Asks Jenny and Missy nods.

"Come on monkey, jump on my back." She says, bending down slightly while keeping a strong grip on your wrist.

"Ooh kinky" you say, climbing on and making her chuckle.

"Indeed, nearly there now." She says, carrying you as though you weighed no more than a small rucksack.

Jenny waits outside the building while Missy carries you in and over to the reception desk.

"Hiya, yes I think she took too many of those happy stickers." Says Missy, trying to be personable. The woman turns to face her and you nearly fall off her back in shock.

"Missy" you hiss audibly in her ear and she turns her head slightly to look at you. "She's a cat" you say and begin to giggle again.

"Yes my love, now don't stare, it's rude" she snorts and you bite down on her shoulder to shut yourself up.

The cat lady raises her eyebrows and nods you in the direction of a lift which Missy carries you onto, legs swinging. Instantly freezing water is poured over you, then you are dried with warm fans which makes you laugh even more hysterically, tears pouring from your eyes.

Missy then carries you into a room and sets you down gently where you pout and cross your arms, sulking.

"What?" She says, eyebrows arching gracefully.

"I want to play!" You mutter and she laughs, pulling off her necklace and handing it to you.

You smile and coo, holding it and shaking it like a tambourine, sending yourself into peals of laughter. Missy sits herself down and leans against a wall, closing her eyes gently. She is very still.

You stand quietly and jump on her lap, making her eyes fly open in surprise.

"(Y/n)!" She exclaims, supporting you as you rock with laughter on her lap. Just then the door opens, and in step Jenny, Yaz and The Doctor.

"Doctor!" You cry, and jump from Missy to the other Time Lady, who catches you carefully, allowing you to squeeze her in a hug.

"Can't... breathe" she squeaks and Yaz releases her carefully. The blonde blinks and holds you at arms distance, unsure of what to make of you.

"Ok what happened?" She says, raising her delicate eyebrows at you, and you laugh again. She lets go and you tumble to the floor where you roll around shrieking with laughter.

"She took those happy stickers- and quite a few I'd say" replies Missy fondly as you scrabble at her dress to right yourself, snorting unattractively.

"Ok well don't let her out of your sight, she could be a danger to herself if she's not careful. She's not herself right now." Responds The Doctor and you sit up, shaking your head.

"Really? I hadn't noticed, and she's not a danger, she's a puppy" says Missy and you smile. Disliking the atmosphere, you reach in your pocket inconspicuously and pull out another sticker.

"Absolutely not" says The Doctor, snatching it off you. You cross your arms and pout.

"Meanie" you mutter and Missy sniggers, earning a disapproving look from Jenny.

"What? It's quite funny, look at her" says Missy and they all turn to you as you stand and walk immediately into a wall, falling and laughing on your back.

"Actually she is quite cute" adds Yaz and The Doctor scowls.

"How did she even get hold of them?" Asks The Doctor and Missy frowns.

"I think she took the money from my purse." Says Jenny mildly and you snort.

"Ya little thief" says Missy, Scottish accent thick.

"Well I spoke to one of the nurses here, she's just going to have to wait for it to wear off. They don't think they need to interfere, just get the stickers off." Says The Doctor and Missy shrugs.

"Be my guest" she smirks and The Doctor approaches you steadily.

At the last moment you lunge and bite her hand, making her recoil and grip it confusedly.

"She bit me!" Cries The Doctor and everyone sniggers slightly.

"Yeah she does that" adds Missy, enjoying this a little too much.

"Ok Missy, Jenny pin her down, Yaz hold her legs, I'll get them off her." She adds and everyone dives at you at once. You squirm and shriek but The Doctor rips them off your neck. The pressure releases and you sit up.

"Well that was rude" you pout and Missy wheezes.

"Sorry love, but we can't leave you like this." She says and you scowl.

"Why not? I'm happy like this. I'm happy happy happy." You whine and they stop. "I don't want to kill myself or even hurt myself, I'm very happy" you mumble absentmindedly, obliviously playing with Missy's necklace while they all stare down at you.

Eventually they relax, and The Doctor and Missy take up watch while Jenny and Yaz go to find the shop.

You shuffle over to The Doctor on your knees and lean your chin on them. She looks down at you in surprise and smiles gently when you yawn.

"I take it back, she is actually quite cute." Says The Doctor finally and Missy nods as you close your eyes and settle with your head on the blonde Time Lady's lap.

"You'll be ok (Y/n)" she says softly, stroking your hair as you begin to feel sleepy.

"I'm going to sleep now" you mumble and they chuckle.

"You do that my love, we'll be right here when you wake up." Says Missy and you snuffle, relaxing into The Doctor and falling gently asleep.

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