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You look down at your arm, expecting the worst. All day it's been burning under your sleeve which you now roll up tentatively.

It's been over a week since Missy hurt your wrist, and surely it should be all healed by now. You look down and read.

Quiet. 656-283-927. Alone or I kill her.48.

You blood runs cold as you read the words inscribed on your skin over and over until you know them by heart.

They are raised red sore letters- and you don't dare touch them.

Panicking, you recognise these are coordinates. And it looked like you were going to have to follow them.

You read the last part again and feel the urge to throw up.

Her could be anyone on this ship, and you didn't want to find out whom. You had very little choice in the matter, but no one else would get hurt for you.

One thing you were certain of however, this had nothing to do with any of your previous injuries.

You pull on a long sleeve top after memorising the coordinates and take a deep breath. This was going to be difficult.

That's when you remember the gun you took from Torchwood. Slipping it from it's hiding place under your mattress you tuck it in your pocket with your hand resting on it.

You actually had had a very different intention when you took it, but this would have to do.

In a dream state you pull open your bedroom door and walk to the console room. You knew what this meant, whoever wanted you was serious, and you couldn't bring yourself to say goodbye.

You walk to the console, Tardis reflecting your anxiety unhelpfully.

"It's ok old girl, I have to do this" you whisper before entering the console room. You half hoped it would be empty, but there stand all four women chatting casually.

You consider trying at a later time but know your nerve and adrenaline high won't hold out. You swallow desperately.

"(Y/n)! Ok where are we going?" Bounces The Doctor and you stare at her, absorbing the last of her features.

"Um...coordinates 656-283-927" you say and everyone looks at you in surprise.

"Any particular reason?" Laughs Missy and you shake your head.

"Please" you say and her smile falters.

"That's in the Forgio galaxy, are you sure?" Asks The Doctor carefully and you nod, working hard to stand still and act nonchalant.

"Yes there's something I want to see" you lie.

She eyes you doubtfully before you start moving.

You're glad, for you need something to take your mind off what you're about to do. Throughout the flight everyone shoots you curious looks but you work to keep your face blank, dreading the moment that was so imminent.

You land with a thump and The Doctor steps towards the doors. You reach them first and turn and face the group.

"Just me" you say seriously, already shaking and The Doctor frowns.

"It's alright (Y/n)" she says and you shake your head in defeat.

"No Doctor, it really isn't" you say, pulling the gun from your pocket and pointing at the woman's face. She looks startled but doesn't shift.

"Ok (Y/n) what's going on" she says as Missy approaches too.

"Just me" you repeat. "Or I swear I'll shoot" you say, throwing as much venom into your voice as possible.

You needed them to know you were serious.

"(Y/n) love put down the gun." Says Missy warily, and you point it at her face next. Your heart breaks a little as she raises her hands.

"This is what's going to happen. I'm going to step out those doors and you are going to fly away. I will kill anyone who tries to follow me." You say, voice hitching. You wonder if they can hear the fear too.

"(Y/n) who's making you do this, we can help." Says The Doctor seriously, and you shake your head desperately.

"I mean it, just me" you raise your voice.

"You won't hurt us." Says Missy carefully, stepping closer, arms still raised, and you know she's right.

"(Y/n) please" whispers Jenny and you point it at her next.

"You're right" you realise, lowering the barrel slightly, looking into her eyes. "I could never hurt any of you." You whisper with a weak smile, and raise it to your own temple instead.

"Now let me go" you say unblinkingly. "You know sure as fuck I will Doctor." You say to her and she senses the danger and truth in your words. You are exhausted and stressed and scared. You probably would.

"Ok" she says at last. "Ok" she repeats. "We'll leave you." She whispers and you nod.

"But tell us first what is going on" she says and you know you aren't getting out of this one. You owe her this at least.

You eye her and she refuses to back down, so eventually you lower the gun slightly and roll up your sleeve.

Her expression of tentative confusion turns briefly to rage, settling on concern.

"How?" Missy asks in a whisper once they've all read it and you've dropped your sleeve in shame.

"It just appeared" you say and The Doctor nods.

Then, in a single instant she points her sonic at your hand and you feel the weapon pulse and break. You drop it with a shriek and she kicks it away.

"No please you promised! What are you doing? They're going to hurt-" you stop suddenly, as does The Doctor. You still didn't know whom it was referring to.

"I'm sorry (Y/n) but I won't let someone threaten you. Chances are it's someone on this ship they mean. I'll keep them safe, I promise." She says staring at you sincerely.

Sensing your doubt she widens her eyes.

She looks briefly at Yaz, and you know she won't let any harm come to anyone here.

Finally you nod and she breathes out.

"Right, we're leaving" as she says it the doors click locked behind you. Half of you still wants to leave and you step a little closer.

"We can't let you do this" says Missy softly and Jenny approaches warily.

"You're too precious, you're not putting yourself at risk for us" says Jenny and you look down as The Tardis takes off.

You knew, and maybe they did too, that the her was likely one of the two of them.

Well then, you simply couldn't let them out of your sight.

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