New York

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Your smile drops when you walk into the console room and spot Jenny leaning sadly against a pillar.

Overwhelming guilt crashes over you and you step away from Missy.

What were you doing acting so carefree when your beautiful Jenny was hurt? She looks up as you approach and smiles good naturedly.

You hate yourself even more.

Desperately needing a distraction, you dig your nails into the palm of your hand, clenching your fist deeper until you feel the first drops of warm blood but you still can't shake the guilt. Someone slips their hand into yours from behind, prising open your tight fist until you relax. It's Missy- you pull away but it's too late.

You know what that would've looked like to Jenny.

The Doctor and Yaz enter, unaware of the tense internal struggle between the three of you. You try to tell yourself that Jenny was fine with this, she was the one who had stepped back. You aren't convinced.

"Ok where are we going?" Asks The Doctor, beaming around at all of you. She finally seems to read the atmosphere and frowns.

"What's up?" She says lightly and no one responds.

"Um... New York?" Suggests Yaz into the silence and The Doctor proceeds when no one offers anything else. The ride is short and uneventful, and The Doctor stops when you land.

"This is New York?" Asks Yaz excitably and she laughs.

"Sort of, I didn't think Earth was the best place, so I chose New New York. Well technically it's New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York" she says in one breath.

"Sounds good to me" giggles Yaz and she steps out the box. You follow swiftly, ignoring the others. You catch an image of The Doctor's confused face, trying to gage the problem. She's on the right lines.

"Right, usual rules apply, no wandering off, if you don't recognise it, don't eat it, no interfering with major events, and we'll meet back here in a couple of hours." She says and you nod as neither Jenny or Missy look in the mood to talk.

"Ok, well try to stick together" she adds before pulling Yaz off in the direction of a tall skyscraper. She is gone from view in minutes. You sigh and face the others. Missy looks carefully controlled and Jenny downright sad.

"Come on then I guess" you say, trying to brighten the mood. Wordlessly they follow you all the way into the centre where you spin on the spot, looking at the impressive buildings with a smile on your face.

Something catches your eye and you walk in the direction of a violent purple shop front, gaining inspiration. You push open the doors with the others following like silent bodyguards. You turn and grin slyly, both of them breaking into tentative smiles too. Disappearing behind a mannequin, you seize two bright hats, one bright orange, the other emerald green.

Missy and Jenny have unclenched and are looking around in concern, spinning on the spot.

Taking your chance you run up behind them and push a hat on either head, giggling and stepping back while they turn, looking perplexed. Their faces are a picture and you burst out laughing while they pull the hats off.

"(Y/n)!" Exclaims Jenny, holding the revolting hat at arms length.

"Oh you're so dead" mutters Missy, pulling her hat off too. They exchange looks then grab one of your arms each.

You shriek as they pull you into a corner, Jenny throwing a violet coat on you while Missy drapes on you a matching yellow scarf and hat set. You squirm and they step back, shaking with laughter.

"Oh you're kidding" you say, looking in a mirror disgustedly.

"Hey you started it" giggles Jenny and you scowl playfully.

"Oh you wanna go?" You say and they both grin. You step forward and throw pink cardigans at each of them that hit them both right on target in the chest. You roll back, laughing while they peel off the garments and toss them back onto their hangers.

You spot some dresses and make your way over, peeling off your coat and accessories as you go.

"Odds on you trying on this tasteful dress?" You aim at Jenny and she eyes it apprehensively. It is teal, with sea foam green trim and a white petticoat.

"One to twenty" she says and you take her. You didn't need to be able to read her mind to know her answer.

"13" you say at exactly the same time and she groans, snatching it from your hand.

"Your turn" she replies, pulling off a hideous purple number with lace trimming and frilly bow for your hair.

"7" you say together. Scowling you take it from her and turn to Missy.

"Absolutely not, I'm here for moral support only" she says and you widen your eyes pleadingly.

Rolling her own eyes, you read the number appearing in her mind seconds before, and hand her  the dark blue dress closest when you guess correctly.

She stares at it disgustedly, taking in the silver stars and hearts embroidered around the hem. She marches into the dressing room and you both follow, changing in the cubicles, much like Earth.

You thank the stars that it has sleeves. Stepping out, you see both the time ladies staring at each other with raised eyebrows in their awful dresses.

You rock with laughter at their amused and offended faces, when they turn to face you and burst out laughing too.

"It's a good colour on you (Y/n), and I love that bow" smirks Missy and you laugh.

"Likewise, very fetching. You two look adorable in blue by the way" you say as they scowl again.

"You really are the limit (Y/n) for no one else would I put this thing on" mutters Jenny with a hint of a smile which you return with another blush. With a sadder smile, you realise that probably is true for both of them.

You all change and leave the store, everyone a little hot and flummoxed when you all decide to sit down.

You stop at a cute little cafe where you drink strange coffee which Missy assures you is safe, and tastes like coffee flavoured banana.

Happy and relaxed, you close your eyes against the gentle alien sunshine.

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