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You walk with Missy silently back to room, knowing you had just missed an opportunity to tell her how you felt, but it couldn't be helped, not with Jenny still in the forefront of your mind.

You sigh when you reach your door and feel a sudden rush of adrenaline as you realise what will definitely help. You turn to say Goodnight, slightly buzzed for what was coming shortly.

God you were fucked up.

Missy eyes you suspiciously and your smile falters.

"(Y/n)... don't do anything stupid." She says and your smile drops completely. "I know what you're thinking, and it's a bad idea." She warns and you ignore her.

"Goodnight Missy" you say stepping in without looking her in the eye.

"I need you to promise me (Y/n), that you'll be safe now. Promise me." She says sincerely.

"I-" you start, but fail to finish. You can't lie to those shining brown eyes that always think the best of you.

Only you can't think like that anymore.

"That's what I thought. Well I'm not leaving you alone at any rate." She replies curtly, stepping in. You scowl and she smiles.

"It's none of your business." You mutter sulkily and she frowns in concern.

"Too precious" she repeats from earlier. "And not on my watch." She climbs on top of your duvet and crosses one leg neatly over the other as you stand with crosses arms.

She pats beside her and you stalk into the bathroom.

Almost causally, she smiles and you know she will notice the second you try, so you go about your business normally then change into the sleep wear you had thankfully left on the bathroom floor this morning. As you arrive back in the main room you see she has changed too and you raise your eyebrows.

"That was fast" you comment and she smirks.

"I can be fast..." she says suggestively and your face catches fire which only makes her laugh. Scowling some more, you stomp into bed and pull the duvet over yourself, back to the still Time Lady.

"Goodnight (Y/n)" she says into the dark.

"Hmph" you reply and she chuckles again at your sulking. Well, you thought, settling down. She couldn't watch you forever.

                              *             *              *

Jay approaches you with that smile that sends shivers down your spine and makes you want to throw up. You're standing in your living room and he's blocking the only exit. You hide Abigail desperately from his view.

Stepping in front of you, he strokes your hair gently and runs his thumb across your lips, titling your head up to him. You squirm and he grips tighter, bringing your lips to his until you feel his warm breath wiping across your face. You scream and he slams you backwards against a wall and-

You wake, panting and shivering, hot and cold, light and dark, scrabbling through the bedcovers to free yourself.

"(Y/n)! Calm down it's only me, see you're safe!" comes Missy's hurried voice in the dark while you clutch your chest and your heart thumps.

"Hey hey, what happened, did you have a nightmare?" She asks but you can't answer. "Breathe (Y/n)" she reminds you and you suck in a lungful of air and cough. Thats when the tears come.

"Would you like some space?" She asks considerately, but the last thing you want is to be alone right now. Wordlessly you curl up into her side, and her strong arms ensnare you safely in a warm cage. You haven't had a nightmare that bad in a long time.

You can only imagine it was due to to it recent a counter with Owen, not that you were going to tell Missy that. She would probably hunt him down and decapitate him.

You certainly couldn't tell her Jay was alive and well, probably living his best life back on Earth.

She squeezes you gently and you bury your head in her warm chest, hiccoughing quietly. Magically she begins to hum, and you feel the vibrations through her chest. Jenny did that once. Something about the way a Time Lady hums soothes you, and you find yourself relaxing into her.

At some point you drift back to sleep.

                             *         *          *

The first thing you feel is soft fingers tracing gentle lines across your face. It tickles slightly and you smile, feeling Missy hesitate.

"Morning my love, how do you feel?" She asks and you blink slowly, then yawn and stretch making a weird squeak. She chuckles softly.

"I'm fine" you reply, trying to honestly mean it.

"What happened in your dream?" She asks lightly and you shake your head.

"Can't remember" you reply casually.

She clearly doesn't believe you but doesn't push it.

You sit up and notice she is fully dressed with a book folded across her lap. Of course, she probably couldn't have moved once you gripped her. You smile guiltily and she shuffles off the bed where you flop back with a sigh.

"Come on you, time to get up" she says and you pull the covers back over your head. There is silence for a moment before you feel hands seize you gently and pull you shrieking from the covers.

"Missy!" You gasp. "Put me down!" You demand but she only laughs, carrying you into the bathroom. She sets you down with care on the side of the bath and throws you a towel.

"I'm waiting" she smirks, closing the door on her way out. You can't help but smile. She's arranged all your toiletries in a neat row in order of when you use them along the shelf.

Blushing slightly, you have a quick shower, finding fresh clothes waiting for you in a corner on the hamper. She has thought of everything.

You brush your teeth and comb your hair, letting it dry loose around your shoulders before pulling on the clothes. A cute red and brown tartan skirt and black long sleeve bodysuit with knee high boots and a long coat, your favourite actually.

You step out and she smiles. Unreasonably, you blush. You didn't need to be quite such a fool. She was just being nice. Apparently it came more naturally to her than she gave herself credit for.

She whistles lowly and you throw a cushion off your sofa at her, rolling your eyes. She catches it with ease and winks, holding the door open for you. Gladly, you follow through.

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