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You all sit around a table in the living space, playing cards recklessly. You find yourself having fun, and your worries fading into the background as you watch Yaz and The Doctor arguing over whether the Time Lady was cheating or not.

"No the rules are a run, or a run of three and four kings, Queens or Jacks!" Exclaims Yaz, trying to remain angry while her lip turns up in laughter.

"No you've got it wrong! This is the run, it's the Fibonacci sequence!" pouts The Doctor, making you laugh.

They play argue for several more minutes while you watch Jenny try fruitlessly to sort them out.

"We are playing rummy, actually Mum I think Yaz is right" she says slyly, shuffling cards.

The Doctor throws her cards down and crosses her arms.

"Aww don't be sad, you can have a consolation prize" says Yaz, which makes her sit up.

"Ooh yes what's my prize?" She says excitably like a child.

"Mmmm well let me whisper it in your ear" says Yaz with a smirk. The Doctor pauses and stiffens, grinning mischievously.

"Your prize is... tickles!" Yells Yaz suddenly, attacking The Doctor with her hands at her hips.

Both women fall to the floor screaming in laughter as they playfully attack each other, succumbing to hysterics as you and Jenny sit wheezing against each other.

"You two are seriously weird" comments Missy and you smirk at her shrewd expression. "Very mature for a Time Lady" she adds with an eye roll.

As the women continue to roll around on the floor you sit staring into space, absentmindedly tapping out a rhythm on the table.

The screams of laughter suddenly stop and The Doctor pulls Yaz to her feet.

She meets your eye and sits back at the table, shuffling cards silently.

You look up to Missy who also looks apprehensive. Exchanging uneasy looks with Jenny, The Doctor begins to deal cards, refusing to make eye contact with you.

"Ok let's play" she says shortly. And the game picks up. You settle back into your gentle rhythm until you catch The Doctor's eye. She shakes her head almost imperceptibly and you stop tapping, continuing with the game as though nothing had happened.

You play a couple more rounds before excusing yourself. You couldn't stand the accusatory looks The Doctor kept giving you, or the calculating ones from Missy.

You stroll into the console room where you sit against a golden pillar, laying your head back and listening to the steady thrum from the sentient machine.

All of a sudden an image invades your head as though it's been pulled to the front of your skull and you jump to your feet, looking anxiously around you.

Adrenaline courses through you and you ready yourself for danger. You don't know where, but someone was here.

"It's ok, it's ok, its only me" says The Doctor striding into the console room and you relax, somehow feeling safe.

Casually she wonders why you panicked, her face appearing in your mind looking concerned, and you shake your head, sinking back to the ground.

"I don't know, I just thought I saw something" you reply, looking up and catch The Doctors pitiful expression.

"What?" You say defensively, it wouldn't be the first time.

"(Y/n)" she says slowly. "I didn't ask". Surprised and a little hurt that she wasn't interested you shrug, embarrassed.

"Sorry" you say.

"No (Y/n) you don't get it. I really didn't ask. I haven't said anything since I told you I was here"

"Oh" you reply- then hit your head.

"You knew I was wondering why you panicked? But I didn't touch you-and it wasn't a strong emotion" She asks seriously, crouching in front of you. You look away.

"I saw it" you say truthfully.

"Like how?" She says carefully

"I saw your face" you reply, knowing perfectly well she had been turned away.

She doesn't say anything then smiles comfortingly, soothing your distress.

"It's getting stronger" She says, settling herself cross legged in front of you.

"A little" you say honestly. "It's getting clearer with you and Missy, I catch your images a lot more, when you're close enough."

"Don't panic (Y/n), it's really nothing to worry about, and I have a theory." You look up, urging her to explain. She smiles and opens her mouth.

"Well, humans think in a linear fashion. The process is thoughts to words. However Time Lords can hold multiple trains of thought at once. But we don't think in words. We think in patterns and notes, to help us group ideas and keep things seperate. You're used to seeing images from us, but we think in a more complicated manner. It's loud and alive, and you're beginning to understand your abilities enough that they pick up from further away." She finishes and you contemplate.

Yes, crazy as it sounded, she was right.

"But why? Is it progressing?" You ask.

"No I don't think so, not in the conventional way you're thinking. You've been around me long enough that you are more sensitive to us. You're just getting to know me." She shrugs.

You pause to absorb this while The Doctor watches your carefully.

"Will I be this effective with everyone?" You say slowly and she frowns, thinking.

"Maybe with us Time Lords, But I'm not sure, it's just guess work, far from an exact science. You really are one of a kind." She flashes you a smile and you look away.

Again, you start tapping thoughtfully and her frown reappears.

"What it's just a beat" you say and she smiles wanly.

"Four beats. That's the beat of a Time Lord heart. You've started doing it whenever you're near us."

You stop, slightly scared and she holds out her arm.

You place gentle fingers on her pale wrist. It's amazing, the two pulses.

You nod to show her you understand, and she withdraws understandingly.

"You'll be fine (Y/n)" she says gently with a warm smile. "Just tell me if you are ever worried." She turns to rise but you grab her coat tail and she looks back at you.

"Is this it?" You say in a high pitched voice. "Will it keep getting stronger until...?" You hear the break, so she can too.

"It's not irreversible, but I believe you are strong enough." she says sadly, then walks off down a corridor, leaving you to interpret exactly what that means.

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