Male!Aurora x Reader (1/2)

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*
Months ago the lost prince returned to his rightful place at the palace, with him came hope. Maleficent had been defeated and peace was restored....for the people of the kingdom.

My name is (Y/N), I'm 16 years old. I was born the exact day the prince was, my mother, Maleficent had cursed him knowing that King Stefan would come after me simply for being related to her. A curse would keep his mind off me, my mother wasn't being cruel, she was being a mother.

Now I had been crowned Queen and protector of the Moors, yes it's quite and impressive title. Very fairytale like right? Well it's not all it's cracked up to be, most of the creatures like me for my kind personality but the majority of them hold a grudge because of my mother.

A small creature ran up "My Queen! There's a human at the edge!" I stood from my throne of branches "I'm on my way" spreading the large brown wings that protruded my back I took off.

My wings resembled my mother's just before Stefan sawed them off, I flew over the trees. Until I came across the barrier separating our land of magic with the land of humans. It wasn't a thorn wall like it was when my mother was here, as I had taken that down.

It was a wall of trees, with brightly coloured fruits and flowers, the only reason we checked who was at the gate anymore is that Stefan was banned here. And to see if anyone was up to no good.

I came to a stop straightening my body out and flapping my wings slowly to keep myself air born. At the edge was a blonde male, wearing a crown and a blue suit. It was Auron, the prince.

The long haired male hadn't noticed me yet "fancy seeing you here, your highness" he gasped staggering back and looking up at . I lowered myself to the ground until I stood in front of him.

His hazel eyes were trained on my feathered wings "y-you are-" "a faerie? Correct". Auron gulped and took a tentative step forward "you look like...Maleficent" he whispered. I smiled nostalgically "thank you...she was my mother" Auron let out a small gasp.

The blonde took a scared step back and I rolled my eyes "just because I'm her daughter does not mean I am her, just like you're nothing like that beast of a father" I stated. "A-ah right...I did not mean to offend" I glanced back at the Moors "would you like to come inside?" I asked.

Auron blinked in surprise "you would let me?" he questioned "it's open to anyone who has no intentions of hurting it". Auron grinned, placing one hand on a tree he stepped inside the Moors. I walked in alongside him, immediately we were met with the fireflies that still glowed brightly in the day.

The greenest of grass, purest of waterfalls. A small faerie floated down pecking Auron's nose before flying to me with a giggle. I smiled at her, stroking her miniature head with my index finger.

She laughed before zipping away, "who was that?" the prince asked "that was a friend, her name is Tinkerbell (yes, the references XP)" I informed. I took his hand, causing him to jump.

I nodded to him before leading him towards my throne, upon the steps was the throne. Made from branches and cushioned with moss. Around it were flowers and stone and grass, just like a real fairy tail.

"Where is this place?" he asked looking around in awe "this is where I spend most of my time" I said walking up the steps and taking a seat on the throne "y-you're the Queen?" he asked. I shrugged "I prefer Guardian but...yes" he moved to bow when I waved him off "none of that, these are my people to protect but they're not less than me, neither are you".

I laughed wiping my eyes of the tears the laughter had produced, the sky was dark now "I should probably get home, before my father sends out a search party" Auron said as he stood.

I stood with him "will I see you again?" he asked, I chuckled and nodded "be safe Prince" he grinned before running off towards the edge of the Moors. I let out a happy sigh before sitting down on the throne.

Just when I thought all was going well "Your Majesty! There's a fire at the edge!" Diaval yelled. I stood worried, spreading my large wings I took off with a large flap. It took no time at all with my wing span to reach the edge of the Moors. There I saw Stefan's men and along with them...Stefan.

Auron was there too, tugging and pulling on his father's arm yelling something "King Stefan! What is the meaning of this?!" I yelled gesturing to his soldiers carrying torches which they used to light the trees. Stefan looked up at me, his eyes widening "Maleficent?" he asked.

I shook my head "she was my mother, you murdered her" I spoke lowly. Stefan's surprised expression hardened "Auron, tell me what's going on" "my father thought you had kidnapped me! When I told him you hadn't he thought you had me under some kind of spell, he said....he said he's punishing the Moors" Auron informed.

I growled, throwing my hand out to my side the fire with burnt the screaming trees died down. Throwing my other hand out the soldiers were sent flying a few feet, but landed safely. "That was a warning Stefan, try and hurt my subjects and I will not hold back" my tone was dangerous.

Stefan balled his hands into fists "forget the Moors! Attack her!" he yelled pointing his sword at me. I didn't lower myself too the ground purely because they couldn't reach me with their swords from up here "I don't want to start any unnecessary fights Stefan" I sighed "but you've left me no choice".

I held my hand outwards, my palms faced up to the sky. I tilted my head up and closed my eyes. A large rumbling sound stopped the guards in their tracks, the sound of thunder.

I lowered my head with one arm back at my side I pointed to the soldiers, a white bolt of lightning shot out from my finger. The shear force of the lightning sent them flying back all at once and they held no chance of getting back up again.

I glared down at Stefan "Auron, get out of here it's not you who deserves to be hurt" I said "don't act so righteous witch! You're just like your mother!" he yelled. I smirked "and proud" I whispered, sending a nod too Auron he ran into the Moors.

I held my hands to my chest before pushing them out. My arms were stretched straight in front of me, my palms directed at Stefan. The ground in front of him lifted, like a wave before crashing over him.

"Now you're buried in the lies you have told, the spot you are dying in is the spot my mother lost herself! Because of you" I knew under all the dirt, he could hear me "you'll spend the rest of eternity buried in it.

Under the dirt, Stefan was sitting in a dome, he would be supplied air, and water, and food. To keep him alive, one thing I can't guarantee that will survive is his sanity.

I looked towards the Moors where Auron had run off to "now what to do with you...?"

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