Troy Bolton x Reader

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Nobody knew. That's what you had to keep telling yourself. Nobody knew you or anything that had happened. Granted, that also meant you didn't know anyone either. Strangers passed you without a second glance. This was good. If nobody noticed you, they wouldn't attack. If you stayed invisible, you stayed safe.

"Hey Chad, over here!" You were so busy looking at your new schedule that you didn't see the basketball hurtling towards you. The ball hit you square in the chest, knocking the wind out of you and causing you to drop your books. "Oh gosh, I am so so so sorry."

A boy crouched down in front of you, trying to gather up your papers before they were swept away under his classmates' shuffling feet.

"It's okay," You gasped, stilling trying to catch your breath. He helped pick up the last of your things and held out his hand to help you up.

"I'm Troy." He gave you a smile that would have made the entire cheer squad at West High swoon. You took his hand, feeling the blush on your cheeks.

"Y/N." So much for staying invisible.

"Are you okay? That sounded like it hurt." The apologetic puppy face was almost as cute as his smile.

"I'll be fine. I probably should have been paying more attention." You laughed nervously.

"And I should have caught the ball." As he handed your things back to you, he caught a glimpse of your schedule. "Hey, you have Mrs. Darbus for homeroom!"

"Um, yeah, I was trying to find her room." You anxiously tucked a hair behind your ear.

"I can show you." He offered, that gorgeous smile returning. "My friends and I have her too."

"Drop something?" A blonde girl wearing the pinkest jacket you had ever seen held out Troy's basketball. His smile strained.

"Thanks Sharpay." Her vicious gaze turned on you.

"And who are you?" And here you thought all the scary girls went to West High.

"I-uh-I'm-" You stuttered. Troy came to the rescue.

"Look at the time! We're all going to be late for homeroom if we don't hurry." He quickly ushered you away from Sharpay, helping you steer through the herd of students to Mrs. Darbus' room.

"Who was that?' You whispered as seats started to fill up.

"That was Sharpay Evans. The evil queen of East High. Just stay off her bad side and you should be fine." He shuttered, grabbing his usual desk. All the seats around Troy were filled so you picked an empty desk in the back row. The scary blonde, along with a few other late comers got in the door just as the bell rang.

"Troy, pass it." One of the guys held out his hand. Troy threw him the basketball and he proceeded to spin the ball on his finger. "You ready for the game?" He grinned.

"Are you kidding? The Knights are so going down." Troy made a hoop with his arms and his friend tossed the ball in. The room pretended to cheer and you couldn't help but smile at the antics. Your teacher wasn't as amused.

"Mr Danforth, Mr. Bolton, it seems you've lost your way to the court. This is a classroom. I will be seeing you two superstars-"

"In detention." They finished grimly.

"You must be new." The girl next to you whispered. "She had gorgeous brown hair and a kind smile. "I know how you feel. I moved here last year. I'm Gabriella."

"I'm Y/N." Your cell phone buzzed in your pocket. You opened up your messages, feeling that awful icy dread that you had tried to get away from.

"Miss Y/L/N, correct?" Mrs. Darbus stood over you, holding a bucket.

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