Queen Elsa Headcanons

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She was very mean to you at first
Say you were a guard or worked for the royal palace
You were mistaken as a guest during Elsa's coronation and were dragged off a lot from your work
Even Elsa mistook you for a guest
^She caught you alone and it was so awkward
^ You both looked at each other and you were holding some food on platters
^ "Hungry yeah?"
^ You were confused at first, until you realized she didn't know you were a worker and thought you were a guest eating all the food. "Oh no, I'm not-"
^ "I'm not going to judge you, I don't care."
^ You tried correcting her, but she just kept misunderstanding and then she started revealing stuff to you. You felt bad, because it seemed like she was in a vulnerable place
^ "This whole thing is dumb. None of these people cared when my parents died, yet here they are now. I guess it's easier to be there for the good times than the bad." She remarked, not looking at you
^ You were taken aback, though you didn't necessarily disagree.
^ She looked at you, before apologizing, saying that was rude of her. You shook your head, telling her it was okay, you didn't mind.
^ "I like you. You're nice." She laughed, blushing
^ "You have a nice laugh. I like it."
^ She blushes, before thanking you
When it was revealed she had ice powers you were just as surprised as everyone else, but in hind sight it made sense why she was so on edge
You were forced to go with Anna by Hans, because he saw you chatting up with Elsa [You were a risk to his misson]
You tried convincing Anna that maybe Elsa needed time alone
^But she wasn't listening to you
When you did make it to Elsa, she was very angry
She was yelling and telling you to leave and take her sister with you
^ "She can be the queen, I don't care"
^ "This isn't about her being queen. She loves you Elsa and she wants you safe-"
^ "You need to leave. I don't want to hurt you-"
^ "Then don't!" You yell, but Elsa was furious and she accidentally hit you
She didn't mean to, but it was bad
Thankfully, Anna had found a guy, Kristoff, and he brought you to the trolls
^ But they couldn't help you
Anna felt bad and confronted her sister about it or at least she tried. Elsa knew she had gotten you and she didn't need her sister making her feel worse
You just wanted to go back to Arendelle, especially if you were going to die
Elsa tried to talk to the trolls and they told her that Anna and Kristoff took you back to Arendelle
Though, before she could get back, she was captured and imprisoned
Anna tried helping you, but Hans turned on you both and locked you in a room
"He's going to kill your sister." You told her and while Anna tries to stop you, you go looking for her sister
Anna calls your name and ends up finding Kristoff to tell him what happened
You find Hans holding a sword, about to swing at Elsa, calling her a murder
But you freeze just in time and you defend her, breaking Hans sword
Luckily though, Elsa does end up bringing you back, though without even realizing she was in love
She hugs you tightly, profusely apologizing for everything, before realizing how to get Arendell out of winter
Hans was exiled, instead of imprisoned, because Elsa didn't want him anywhere in Arendelle
You become part of the royalty, because Elsa makes sure to include you in everything
After you saved her life, she saw you in a whole new light
Granted, she already kind of liked you, but now she was scared to lose you again
She gets so nervous around you and her sister notices and confronts her, but Elsa alimentally denies it
But Anna just needs one slip up and she eventually gets it
Elsa was watching you all lovingly and didn't realize her sister was behind her
"Staring at Y/n?"
Elsa was embarrassed that she had gotten caught and instead of fighting it, she decided to ask her sister for help
Cue Anna playing Match maker
You and Elsa have become very close, so it won't be hard to get you two together
And when you both do together, Anna is so happy because she's never seen her sister so happy and extroverted before

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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