Two Truths and a Lie: Tadashi Hamada x Reader

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you might want a tissue box near by.

"Hey, is anyone sitting here?" you ask the cute Asian boy, indicating to the empty seat at the lab table.

He looks up at you and smiles politely, "No, it's all yours."

You find yourself smiling back, "Thanks," you say as you set your backpack on the ground and take a seat.

The professor soon walks into the room and promptly begins class.  "Alright, everyone, welcome to the lab portion of Biology 240.  You may want to start getting to know the person sitting next to you, as they are going to be your lab partner for the rest on the semester.   Instructions for the first lab are on the table, you may begin."

"He's not one for introductions, is he?" you say in a slightly joking manner.

The boy laughs, "I guess not.  I'm Tadashi, by the way," he tells you offering his hand.

You take it and shake in greeting, "(Name), it's nice to meet you."

"You too.  I read through the lab yesterday, on the online class forum, it's pretty straight forward," he says, grabbing the paper from the middle of the table.

"Oh no, you're one of those over achievers, aren't you?" you groan out, jokingly again.

He chuckles, "Why is that a bad thing?"

You smile, "It's not, I'm just going to have to do some more work to be able to keep up with you."  You grab the other provided paper and read through it quickly.

Tadashi grins, "You'll be thanking me later."

"I probably will," you agree.  "But it'll still suck."

He laughs, "Well, if we're going to be stuck with each other for the rest of the semester, maybe we should get to know each other a little more."

You nod, "Okay.  To make it more interesting, we should play two truths and a lie, and you have to try to guess which one is the lie."

"Alright.  My full name is Tadashi Hamada, I have a younger brother and I drive a car."

"Well, your notebook has your name written up at the top, so that one's definitely true.  You do kind of look like the older brother type, so I'm gonna say the car thing is a lie."

He laughs, "Older brother is a type?  And yes, I don't drive a car, I've got a moped."

You laugh as well, "I guess it is now.  And that's pretty cool, I've never met anyone that drives one of those.  Okay, um... I love to read, I still watch Disney movies and I've been to Hawaii."

"You do look like the bookworm type that watches Disney movies, so I'm guessing you've never been to Hawaii?"

You laugh at his explanation, "Wow, is it really that obvious?"

He chuckles, "Only a little."

The two of you continue to play the game as you work on your lab.  You have a lot of fun getting to know each other, and you both agree to sit with each other in the big lecture hall for class later in the week.

Your two truths and a lie game becomes a sort of ritual between the two of you.  The semester passes and you both manage to get into the robotics lab, Tadashi for his proposal on Baymax, and you for your water adapted circuitry system.

You walk down the hallway in the morning, seeing that Tadashi's door is already open.  You knock against the glass of his door as you enter.  "Morning, Tadashi," you greet.

He looks up from his seated position at his desk and smiles, "Good morning (Name)."

"So, I had an awesome dream last night, I ate cereal for breakfast and I saw a unicorn on the way to school today," you tell him leaning your hip against his desk as you stand next to him.

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