Male!Aurora x Reader (2/2)

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*
I dived below the trees so I could see where Auron was hiding. I saw movement, and a hint of blue resembling Auron's suit. I narrowed my eyes and headed for it, I could see the blonde haired man running, somehow his crown still managing to stay atop his head and his hair and clothes refusing to fall our of place.

"Auron!" I yelled, he gasped and stopped looking up at me. I lowered myself to the ground standing face to face with him "my father?" he asked "he's alive but he won't be harming the Moors anytime soon", Auron let out a relieved sigh.

"You should be getting back" I said "why? Can't I stay here forever?" he asked. I chuckled "as much as I would love you too stay you need to get back to your kingdom and be a good king".

Auron frowned and looked to his feet "but what if...what if I don't want to leave" I sighed and walked towards him brushing some hair behind his ear "Auron, you're a sweet person with a kind heart, you'll make a leader those people deserve, come visit me?" I pleaded.

Auron smiled and nodded, I hook my arms under his own bringing him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms over my shoulder hugging me back "the Moors will always be open to you Auron" "as will my home".

"Before I leave may I-....?" he stopped, pursing his lips. I rose a brow "what?" I pushed "may I touch your wings?" I blinked at his odd question, before chuckling and shaking my head "sure, go ahead. Be gentle" I spread my dark wings slightly. Auron reached up hesitantly hovering his hand over my feathers, I rose my wing to meet his hand.

The blonde prince gasped, before gliding his fingers over my soft feathers. He giggled "they're soft" he whispered, I nodded "I have to groom them, washing, removing damaged feathers so they don't affect my flight" I shrugged. I could hear Auron's name being called from the edge of the Moors.

He sighed "mother must have hired a search party, I have to go". Smiled leaning up to peck his cheek "'till we meet again, my prince" with that I stepped away from him. Opening my wings wide I flapped hard sending me up into the air.

It had been a few years since that day, I hadn't seen Auron since, he had always been to busy running his castle. I had been busy keeping the Moors in order, yet somehow I still found time to miss him.

"Guardian! There's a human at the edge" I perked up thanking the gnome before taking off into flight. I lowered myself as I got to the edge of the Moors, looking around was a familiar face. Auron. He hadn't changed a bit.

I chuckled emerging from the trees "you look well my king" he turned to me in shock "(Y/N)! I'm sorry I couldn't visit I've busy an-" I held up my hand, silencing him. "It's fine Auron, I have been busy also. I understand".

Auron clenched his fists and with a burst of confidence he stepped forward. We stood toe to toe, Auron reached up to brush some hair behind my ear. I stared at him with wide eyes in confusion as to why he was being to suddenly affectionate.

"I've come to thank you (Y/N) my people are so grateful that you locked away my father, and I can assure you none of us will be harming the Moors, nor the creatures in it in a very long time" I smiled at his words, reaching up to place a hand over his own, which cupped my cheek.

"How are the Moors?" he asked, "it's steady, everyone's happy that king Stefan is gone and that you are on the throne" I informed.

We sat by the rive in the Moors, it was was so peaceful here, so undisturbed. The water rushed by from the waterfall not to far away. This was a favourite place in the Moors, it's the place my mother birthed me.

I was leaned over, my head on Auron's shoulder. His arm around my waist, we were silent but it was a comfortable quiet. I sighed nuzzling my head into his shoulder "so..if your mother is Maleficent than who is your father?" he asked, I chuckled "his name is Diaval, my mothers faithful servant since she saved his life" I replied.

"Is your father..." "still alive? Yes, but he travels a lot seeing him is rare, he doesn't...quite know he's my father" "and you're okay with him not knowing?" he questioned. I shrugged lifting my head off his shoulder and taking his hand into mine instead "I don't really mind, even if he knew I don't think that will change how things are, I have my subjects, my home, my friends and I have you. I don't need anything else".

Auron smiled at this. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and nodded, the blonde man scooted closer. Turning around to face me fully, "tell me about your mother" "well what do you want to know?" I asked. Auron grinned "everything"

I matched his grin "where do I begin?".

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